Stay In A Cliff Hanging Tent For A Grand Canyon Experience In Maharashtra

Spend a night in a hanging tent for the most adventurous experience


Imagine climbing a rock face 3000 feet above sea level, and then being dropped mid-air in a hanging tent. If you are fascinated by the Instagram and Facebook posts about Portaledges in other countries, forget about them and head to Sandhan Valley.

Another advantage at Sandhan valley is that you do not have to be a professional trekker. Even amateur trekkers can reach here for some real adventure.

The rugged canyons and the lush valley, the misty mountain tops and the glistening stream breaking through the cliff sides make it an otherworldly panorama. Sandhan valley is a natural gorge in the Sahyadri mountain ranges.

You can spend a night in the hanging tents on the cliff face

Image Credit: trekmatesindia

Sandhan is also a trekker’s paradise. Vast valleys, broken by narrow canyons, cold water pools and rocky patches make it an amazing experience, all in one trek. In the vicinity is also a reverse waterfall, where huge quantum of water defy gravity to blow up in the air, instead of cascading down. This natural phenomenon occurs when high winds hit the area and their updrafts force the water to blow back upstream, resulting in a sort of reverse waterfall!

The reverse waterfall is a natural wonder

Image Credit: youtube

You can also wade through cool creek waters between cliffs. Slot canyons can Sandhan offer many surreal experiences. As you might be wading through the creek waters, the valley opens into a plunge waterfall with a small pool at its base. If you get tired of scrambling over boulders, you just have to follow the stream to reach this picturesque plunge pool that looks like something straight out of a movie.

You can wade through the knee high to chest high creek waters

Image Credit: youtube

The cliff on top offers panoramic views and entire vistas of Ratangad, Kalsubai, and Alang, Madan and Kulang peaks. The valley below is a stark contrast as in some places even the sunlight does not penetrate, giving it the name of Valley of Shadows. It is such sites that make Sandhan a paradise for photographers.

You can also try the thrills of rappelling and rock climbing at Sandhan

Image Credit: distinguished

You can reach Sandhan via Kasara. From Kasara railway station, jeeps regularly ply to Samrad, which is the base village for Sandhan.

Read Also: Did You Know India Has Its Own Grand Canyon?