How To Boost Productivity Even When You’re In-Between Jobs

4 tips to ensure you don’t lose out on that edge and come back with a bang


Taking a break when you’re in-between jobs is a great way to recharge your batteries and come back fresh to your new role. It is also good to keep yourself ship-shape when you have left your earlier job and are looking for a new one.

But did you know that even when you are away from work, you can still follow a few tips that can help you come back with renewed vigour and a more positive frame of mind? Check out these tips.

Don’t stop networking

Forget the image sharing on social media pages. If you’re serious about a new role, or boosting your career, now is the time to get those networking skills into practice and reach out to the right people. Also, since you are not working at the moment, it gives you more time to reach out. Meet new people who are from a similar work area where you are planning to go to. Or look out for events in your city that will let you come face to face with people from whom you can learn more or just meet and talk about your interest in certain work roles.

Keeping yourself in touch with the market and your area of expertise is important, according to Rishi, MD with Corporate Connections HR Partners.

“If you’re on a long sabbatical, you could sign up for a skill-improving course that will keep you up-to-date and add to your knowledge and expertise. This will definitely come in handy once you start in your new role. You could also think about becoming a guest faculty and deliver knowledge in educational institutions. Or, if this is not something you want to get into, you can take up freelance assignments that will keep you active in the market and improve your networking skills, while also adding some extra source of income as well as on-the-job knowledge.”

Tell your friends

There is no shame in letting your contacts know that you are looking for a new job. Of course you don’t need to badger people asking them to get you an interview, or to let you meet someone who you think can help. Being subtle and honest about it can be equally effective. Send a simple message that you are looking for something new, and that it would be great if you could consider you if something comes up. Remember, make it clear that this is not a favour, but that you want to be considered only if you merit it.

Your true friends will always help you when you need it. Don’t feel ashamed to ask if they know a job where you can fit

Image Credit: Friends Season 1

Recharge yourself

The one thing that you should definitely do before you get into your new work is to take a relaxing break and let go of all the stress and negativity (if any) of the previous job. This will let you join the new place with new interest, fresh ideas and a new enthusiasm.

According to Shaurya, who works as a Senior Manager, Digital Marketing with HDFC Life and also uses his free time as a writer, reading is something that always helps him when he is in-between assignments and has time to spare.

“The notice period of your organization gives you time to catch up on reading. I personally have read a lot of books while shifting jobs, which give you both rejuvenation and inspiration. It also is a good time to pick up some skills which can either complement your career capabilities or add to one of your healthy habits. During my last career move, I took up cycling and I have stuck to that till today.”

Blog, improve your social skills

Visit professional connectivity channels where you can stay in touch with different industry gurus and learn the latest that’s happening. Read the trending stories, stay up to date with latest affairs and attend relevant workshops or talks. If you like, you can start your own blog that can show off your other side and also add more points on your profile.

Whether you are getting ready to start a new job or are looking for one, maintain your routine as this will help you stay focussed. Also, use the time to plan your finances.

Read Also: 3 Habits That Will Help You End Your Work Day On A Success Note