Is Orbiting The New Ghosting In The Dating World?

Do You Know Whether You Are Being Orbited?

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If you’re into online dating (read Tinder and Happn), you probably know about the many terms that are associated with it. Of course, online dating comes with social media use, and chances are that we keep posting status updates all the time. With that comes the chances that an ex, lover or crush who wants to keep you in their ‘social orbit’, yet not maintain any real connections with you.

The term “orbiting” in relationships has become the latest trend, and has been coined by Man Repeller. Continuously following someone on social media can bring a sense of closeness with each other. Moreover, the false feeling of intimacy will keep up the happy hormones in your brain, which could also lead to developing feelings of intense love for the person concerned.

Social orbiting is not only frustrating, but can also ruin your current relationship

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However, as with anything that comes up online, we must be aware of the consequences. Not everything online can be believed, and caution must be exercised when it comes to online dating (especially if you’ve met your partner on an online dating website or application). There have been people who have said that their ex-partners or ex-spouses would not text, call or meet them but would continually view their stories and news feed on social media. This just doesn’t send out a very weird message to the person concerned, but confusion and hurt as well – especially if you’re not on talking terms anymore.

Some of these people have also said that they have stopped using certain social media applications because they would be constantly kept in “social orbiting” by their past friends and partners. Of course, people make mistakes all the time and might just view your updates by accident, but not if they’re liking and viewing posts from way back.

Online dating can be a confusing place and such minute behaviors can create a world of difference in the relationship between you and your partner. However, we know that we do not have time for uncertain relationships, or what there was or what could have been. Relationships are a beautiful thing if you treat it right, and it’s far better to remove those people who have nothing better to do than ‘maintaining contact with you in a social orbit’.