It’s Absolutely Okay To Not Have Sex Regularly

Compatibility matters; sex does not

Image Credit: Movie - Barfi

No, really! Only sex does not determine the quality of your relationship! And, of course you need to have a timetable for having sex regularly. Sex is important in a relationship – this is a scientifically proven facts. Also, doctors have stressed on the physical benefits of having sex, yet all we want to say is, there are a lot more things in life that you can do with your partner than just to couch up.

Work Out Together And Be Fit

Our sedentary lifestyle is responsible for us to put on weight. The busy schedule and fast life often leave us with no time to look after ourselves. You could join a gym or just make some time in a week and can workout together to achieve an optimum level of fitness.

Reinforce Your Bond In Other Ways

Irrfan Khan and Nimrat Kaur developed a lovely bond even without meeting each other in the movie The Lunchbox

Image Credit: Movie – The Lunchbox

Come on, you do not need sex to keep the bond with your partner to go strong. While sex is great, of course there are a thousand other things that you could bond over. Common interests and hobbies often build a healthy bond. How about going for adventurous activities, say bungee jumping or monsoon trek? One’s coming up on 5th of August; the Rugged Sahyadri Ultra Trail Race. Participating in activities like these strengthen your bond than just having sex. You could also cultivate a hobby that interests you both alike, something like – photography, cooking or gardening.

Compatibility And Love Are The Priority In Any Relationship

You could be rabbits in bed, but just as you hop out of bed, you may be engaging in bitter fights. Rather, compatibility and understanding nature of your partner is what will make you want to come back. No matter how modern the world will be, it will continue running on love. Also, not indulging in sex regularly will also take off the pressure of performance off you both. So, when you come close without a routine, sex is going to be great!

There is no denying the importance of sex. We are just saying that not having sex regularly is nothing abnormal, and there are lots of other things that you could do in that time out of your bed.

Read Also: Hey Millennials, Why Are You Having Less Sex?