Should You Confess If You Have Cheated On Your Partner?

Will being honest really help?

Image Credit: YouTube

If you are reading this article I assume you are repenting your deed. Cheating on your partner is a terrible deed, and since you are here you think on the same lines. So, you have cheated on your partner, and are now wondering if you should tell them. You have two options ahead of you.

Confess And Part Ways

If you think you cheated as there was nothing much left in the relationship, then go ahead and tell your partner the whole truth. You have nothing to lose, and you just want to shed off the guilt you are carrying in your heart. You could either choose to tell your partner everything without many preludes, or you could try the hit-slow way, by weaving the incident with philosophical examples. Every human being is different, and they all react in different ways. Based on the situation and the nature of your partner, expect to be yelled at, being hit at (moment’s rage), or complete numbness. Also, there can be a completely different expectation that you might have thought.

Confess And Reconcile

Ileana D’Cruz cheated on her screen-husband in the movie Rustom

Image Credit: Movie – Rustom

If you cheated on your partner, and are truly feeling guilty about it, and you are scared that confessing it might end your relationship, it indeed is a tough ballgame. When you do not want to end the relationship, you are engrossed by the fear of the same. And, with no false consolations, we would want you to know that there are fair chances of your partner wanting to call it quits when they know they have been cheated on. There will be ugly talks and nasty questions asked. In this case, you will have to risk your relationship and give them the assurance that such an act will never be repeated. If your partner forgives you and continues to be in a relationship with you, remember that ‘this incident’ might remain at the back of their mind. You will have to work hard to help him get the faith back. There can be times when they might bring the topic amidst arguments, but you will need to digest it all and take it with a pinch of salt!

Mend Your Ways And Hide The Tales

You can choose to never mention it to your partner and ensure that you never do such a thing again. In that case, spare your partner and yourself from all the pain and depression and fights. Personally, I believe that truth always finds a way. So, if you believe the same, and yet choose not to confess to your partner, always be ready for a day when this truth makes an appearance, if not then you can just chill and maybe never cheat on your partner again.

We’d say everything we do has consequences so make your choices carefully! If you value your relationship and want to hang onto it, you will probably need to come clean?