Thinking Of A Break-Up? Why Not Try A Time-Out Instead?

Taking a break may or may not always solve issues!

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Distance makes the heart grow fonder, goes the age-old saying which has kept the quarreling couples together for a considerable amount of time. However, given the current trends in a relationship, a new phrase has been added to the dictionary of the lovers: time-out or taking a break.

Even the most perfect relationships go through the worst of turmoils, and when the couple thinks that they have exhausted all that they had too offer, they are left with no other choice but to go on this “break” journey. Taking a break is basically putting your partner on hold, and believing that if you don’t stick to each other for some time, the romance may be rekindled.

More often than not, this thing of coming back “break ke baad” leads to an even worse break up. It always has to be a yes or no answer. It’s all about whether you still love your partner, despite that monotony that has crept into your relationship. It all boils down to whether you are willing to love the faults of your partner as much as you love his/her qualities. If it’s not happening, if you think that you should let it go, then don’t let your relationship hang by a fragile thread and call it a break.

However, if you are the one who wants to give it a go, here’s all you need to know about the facts and myths associated with it.

Don’t Confuse It With A Break-Up

A time-out is only a healthy break to re-think about your relationship at ease

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Exceptions are still there, even if they don’t prove the rule always. Taking a break does not always mean you are breaking up. It does not mean the love has vanished and it won’t resurface. It just means you are taking some time out for yourself. Taking a break can be healthy because it’s only when you are away from the one you love that you realize what you miss about him or her.

It Does Not Mean One Of The Partners Won’t Date Other People

We all will agree that loneliness can kill. And it is out of sheer loneliness while on a break that the respective partners choose to date other people. Technically it’s not cheating because Ross in F.R.I.E.N.D.S taught us so. However, it might hurt the other person. But the truth remains that while you are on a break you might want to see other people. You gain a larger perspective of people. It may so happen that you miss your partner so much that you get back to him or her, or it might also happen that you hit it well with the new date and call it a day with your old partner.

Your Previous Issues Won’t Vanish Magically

All the issues for which the break happened in the first place, won’t vanish into thin air after the break-up. If the problems are not worked on and just pushed under the carpet, the problems will persist and your relationship will take a turn for the worst. In most cases, the distance itself will make you realize your faults, so chances are that your faults will work themselves out.

You Are Bound To Miss Your Partner

The longing during the time-out sometimes makes your bond stronger than ever before

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Taking a break does not mean thoughts of your partner won’t ever cross your mind. It’s very obvious that you will miss your partner a lot. You had been together for a considerable amount of time, and it’s only fair that small situations in your life will remind you of your partner. At times, it is this longing which will make you want to get back. However, if you find yourself not missing your partner at all, then the love was never there, and it’s a break-up, not just a break.

Each relationship is unique, so how you connect with your partner and recover your relationship is all about how you feel. Don’t let the world tell you otherwise.