Three Books That Will Make You Feel Scared In A Relationship

If you’re in a relationship, make sure to read these


Even as Mister Grey took the cake in taking seduction and erotic to a new level, it’s time to bring on the thrill in relationships and check out some really page-turning and intense books that will get you thinking about relationships.

If you have a little time and if you like to read, or let’s just say if you are ready to feel the jitters and get the scare of an everyday regular life with a regular relationship, reading these books will give you the thrill you may not even know you are looking for.

1. Behind Her Eyes By Sarah Pinborough

A single mom meets a handsome guy at the bar, but finds out that he is going to be her new boss. And to top it all, the boss has an elegant and beautiful wife who accompanies him on an office tour. Once the initial embarrassment is over, they both decide it’s best to forget what happened that night. But things aren’t always as easy. There’s a missing person in the past, a possible murder, another killing, some police investigation, and before long, everyone has trouble figuring out who to trust and who to stay away from forever. Some relationships are twisted beyond a chance, without even seeming so.

2. The Girl Before By JP Delaney

Published in the year 2017

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A woman is looking to rent a new place and finds a home that seems perfect. This minimalist home seems more than perfect, but it comes with a set of rules from the owner, which initially seem absurd but she still agrees to go by them all. The architect will have all control on what she can have or do in the house, whether it’s the books, pillows, photos or any other personal belongings. The idea is – living in the house is meant to transform the occupants. And it does. But how? And will there ever be a return to normal again? When the next tenant moves in, she ends up making the same choices that have devastating effects on her personal life.

3. Stranger In The House By Shari Lapena

Published in the year 2017

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An old businessman dies after falling mysteriously, but his adult daughter is convinced of foul play and accuses the seductive and manipulative new wife of having a hand in the old man’s death. There is something definitely not right about the woman, and who is she really, and the bigger question is, is she really capable of killing?

Now that you heard about it, may we suggest you recommend it to others after you read and don’t give away much about the stories?

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