This Is Why You Need To Have More Sex Every Night

What a great way to reduce stress and feel calm


Do you always find it difficult to fall asleep?

Do you like having sex?

If you’re already nodding your head in a ‘yes’ there’s a bed full of good news in store for you and for the health of your sleep!

Ever Saw A Couple In A Movie Have Sex Then Fall Peacefully Asleep Together?

There’s good reason that a lot of movies show couples having sex, and then falling comfortably asleep in each other’s arms. When you have sex, your body releases some hormones especially during intercourse. One of the most important hormones here is a hormone called oxytocin that makes you feel more connected with your partner and also reduces the hormone called cortisol that is responsible for increasing your stress.

When your body goes through these hormonal changes, it helps you relax and also exhaust you naturally in a good way that helps you fall asleep faster and better.

Orgasm Your Way To Good Sleep

Apparently, you get the best quality sleep when you reach your sexual peak and orgasm

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When you orgasm, your body releases a mix of hormones that are especially useful in helping you to sleep. Your body releases the sleep hormone called melatonin along with the hormone oxytocin that is your body’s natural reaction to connect with your partner. So, the more you connect with your partner and enjoy good sex, the more you help your body to relax, fall asleep and heal itself.

When you orgasm, your brain releases a host of feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins. If you are a woman, you will experience a rush of estrogen levels that can help you reach the REM sleep stage faster and help you sleep deeper. If you are a man, your body will release a biochemical called prolactin that will naturally make you feel drained out and ease you into sleep.

Sex helps you sleep better, and when you have enough sleep, it also helps you perform better and have even better sex. The two actually go hand-in-hand. So if you are looking for more reasons to have sex, or to cuddle in to sleep together, you got it!

Read Also: Did You Know Morning Sex Has Some Great Benefits?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.