Tips To Date Someone With A Food Taste You Totally Dislike

How to blend matchless food tastes of each other?


I read a post from a devout vegan friend the other day, who asked, tagging her other vegan friends whether they would date a non-vegan or a non-vegetarian for that matter. And the responses were 100% negative from fellow vegans, which was quite obvious!

Who wouldn’t want to date someone with exquisite culinary tastes? Food habits determine our social circles to a large extent. You surely wouldn’t want to end up with someone who eats idli with a fork. But sometimes you do. And when you realize your food habits are polar opposites, it’s only natural to freak out. However there are certain things that you can do to prevent yourself from eating bad food. Since most of your dates are likely to take place in theatres and restaurants, you might want to read this article if you are seeing someone who says no to popcorn and coke while watching a movie or says yes to 5 large tubs of popcorn. Either way, you need help and it is right here!

How to know he is a food Nazi!

Well sometimes there can be disagreement over meals because people can like different things. And that’s okay. All you have to do is compromise a little. If there are health issues, even then it’s completely okay. I am sure you care about your partner’s health more than mouth-watering delicacies.

But if your partner has been ordering the same thing for the last couple of dates and is not open to experimentation, then that can be a problem. If he takes you to a café and suggests an item and doesn’t stop ordering it, you might want to try and help him out here. If your partner does order something better than what he usually pays for and doesn’t like it, that’s a clear sign as well. Men can never settle for catfish once they have tasted caviar.

If you have been dating him for quite some time and he hasn’t taken you out for a proper three course meal, you might want to look out. If he has weird, twisted ideas of mixing and matching, that can be pretty scary as well. If he eats Chinese side dishes with Indian bread, or if he doesn’t like desserts he is, probably, a food Nazi.

What to do to shield yourself from bad food?

Just don’t go out to eat. There can be other kinds of fun dates. Or you can stay in and order some pizza.

You can sit down and tell him/her nicely about his/her exquisite taste in women/men but not so exquisite taste in food.

You can persuade your partner to order something of your choice. Take him/her to your favorite restaurant or diner. Who knows? Your partner may surprise you. If that fails, here’s a trick – you can get your partner really drunk before dinner. Chances are he/she won’t remember anything!

Teach your partner about the beauty of experimentation. Try new cuisines every day. Change is often desirable. The taste buds will respond better that way.

Blend in!

When nothing works at all at the food table, you can accept some of the imperfections. You both can order whatever you want and do your thing. Try small portions from each other’s plates. Yes, a bite or a mouthful will not kill you! No one has to change to suit someone else’s needs. That’s what the best relationships are about after all. If not the entire meal, try similar desserts if you tend to match your choices there. Trust me, a lip smacking dessert eaten together at the end of a meal, will bring you closer and make you happier!