What Can You Expect After A Break Up

Emotional turmoil to loss of friends, you might have to face them all

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A break up is a miserable decision to make for anyone. If you have been going through extremely rough phases with your partner and have failed to make the relationship work, it is only wise to call it quits. You should try and make your relationship work to the best of your capacity. However, in case you find it unbearable to stay with your spouse, then break-up can only put an end to the tumultuous phase. Break-ups can come with a few consequences that you should know of.

Emotional Turbulence

No matter how bitter a relationship you might end, you will never really be ecstatic right after a break-up. There would be bagful of emotional luggage on you. There is no escaping of the memories of a serious relationship. Those memories tend to come back especially when everything comes to an end, making you feel miserable and alone after a break-up.

Loss Of Friends

A relationship means making new friends. Many of them can be mutual friends between your partner and you. However, as ridiculous as it might sound, there are some people who will take sides after you go through a break-up. Unfortunately, you might lose some numbers of friends when you have a break-up. The good thing is, this phase would tell you who your real friends are.

Dealing With Loneliness

Lonliness might slowly guide you to the doors of depression

Image Credit: collective-evolution.com

It can get really difficult to deal with that phase of loneliness after you had a break-up. Friends and families would be there, but the lack of companionship is a different ballgame to handle. A sudden feeling of hollowness in the heart will creep in.

Doubts While Dating

Even when you start dating after a break-up, you will have plenty of inhibitions. There will be times you will see reflections of your ex in the people you date. There might be a tendency to try to find similarities with your ex and the new person you are dating. You would have to resist this tendency and start with a clean slate.

I am not telling that you stay in a bad relationship and endure all of it. Just that if you cannot take it any longer, come out of the relationship, but know what the consequences might be. Prepare yourself for the same, and take steps to fight the odds.

Read Also: How To Break Up Without Breaking A Heart