Young Adult Dating Sites You Absolutely Need To Check Out

These are free and its for late teens or young adults only


If you’re young and looking to date, the options you have today are countless. But how do you find the really good sites where you can meet other young people like you, and which is free too? And oh yes, which are not frequented by older people, but has people the same age and understanding as you?

These cool apps and sites are absolutely free and cater strictly to late teens and young adults.

Try Zoosk To Tap Into Its 38 Million Members

Zoosk is a very peppy and easy to use dating app that you can easily install in your phone. It is especially popular with the older teens and young adults, as well as those who are around 20 and 21. Zoosk is integrated with other social media networks such as Google+ and Facebook, which means you don’t have to go into too much trouble to sign in. You can also set your preferences and privacy settings as well as find other youngsters based on sexual orientation and other traits.

Teenber Is The Teen’s Tinder

If you’re looking to find a quick date or just someone interesting online, you could check out Teenber. This is also called the Tinder of the teens, especially because it has a swipe left or right option which is similar to that of Tinder. As soon as you match with someone, you can start a private conversation.

My LOL Claims To Be The Most Used Teen Network In The World

You can use this on your phone or computer

Image Credit: YouTube

My LOL says that it is the most popular dating network amongst teens around the world, and with more than 300,000 users, it could rightfully be so. You can use your Facebook or Twitter account to sign in and it is really easy to set up a profile. The app is absolutely free on iOS as well as Android. You can also message someone separately once you have built a connection.

If You Want To Avoid Abusive People, Go Here

Teen Chat is a place that has a reward system for those members who are genuine and punishes those who use abusive language or troll others. The team who runs this site genuinely wishes to keep it a safe and positive space for teens and help them find similar young people.

Find Your Date, Or Just Someone You Can Talk To

The site Crush Zone is an online dating site where you can start out by making friends with other teens and young adults who have similar interests as you. This is also a good place to look for a date, start a relationship, or just find someone with whom you can talk about things that matter to you.

While the profiles may look fun, do confide in an adult if you’re planning to actually meet someone from a dating site.