Young? Harvard Study Says This About Your Relationship

Is the fear of getting hurt holding you back?

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If you’re a young adult, looks like the Harvard Graduate School of Education has already done some study on how you will do in relationships.

If the study is to be believed, it looks like while youngsters are keen about falling in and out of relationships, they are not ready for a relationship where they can offer care and support, or turn it into a steady relationship. The study also claimed that young adults are extremely anxious about how to develop a relationship, but are not prepared to work on growing it.

If You’re Not Sure About Your Relationship Status Yet, This Might Help

One common mistake that most young adults seem to be making when it comes to forming relationships is that they jump into one, and then, as things start to get more serious, feel that it all happened too fast. This is when the panic alarm sets in and you want to get out of the relationship.

Instead, it is always a better idea to form a friendship first, and then let it move towards a relationship. Chances are, when you are friends, you’ll be able to connect and bond better. And if this relationship moves towards dating, you have a better shot at understanding each other.

Want To Avoid The Hurt?

Be caring and nice with your date, but don’t add the pressure of love immediately

Image Credit: saludisima

If you’re looking for speed dating options instead, don’t connect the same with a loving and caring long-lasting relationship. Speed dating is more of a fun concept, rather than something you associate with a steady relationship. And if that is how you enter it, chances are, you may get hurt. If you are dating or speed dating, enjoy it and see where it is headed.

When you are young and starting off new relationships, it is better to meet and know more people, instead of focusing on finding true love at the first chance. This will help you understand what it is you are looking for, understand more about yourself as a person too, and may help you form loving and steadier relationships in the future.