5 Super Affordable Foreign Trips For You

Let’s check that abroad trip from your checklist this year. Shall we?


For the people who are bitten by the travel bug, visiting and exploring new places and destinations is a way of life. Travelling anywhere involves a lot of planning on the budget front, and this is where a lot of our dreams to have a great time beyond the borders of India prove to be a task too hard to complete. While travelling internationally brings with it a different experience altogether, the budget too gets inflated without control.

Planning to get a super affordable trip to an international destination?

We have got the 5 of them taken down just for you-

Bhutan: The Happiest Country

Go find your peace at this beautiful place

Image Credit: travelbreakingnewsheadlines

Credited with being the “Happiest Country in the World”, Bhutan is one of the cheapest countries you can travel to and enjoy a time of some peace and solace. If this country is the happiest, obviously a peaceful environment will be of no harm to you in any case. Haa Valley, Trongsa and Dochula Pass are among the recommended places to witness.

Sri Lanka: Go For Their Heritage Tours And Places That Depict Art And Culture

Two words for this country- Simply Beautiful.

Image Credit: hindustantimes

The island country that flanks us from the South has a lot of options for you which fit right into your tight budget. While the coastal cuisine there is simply not to be missed, the country should also be visited to enjoy the vast expanse of beaches and of course, you cannot miss the connection with India’s most loved tale- The Ramayana. Go for their heritage tours and places that depict art and culture in the most pristine form.

Laos: Breath Taking Mountains, Delicate French Architecture And Buddhist Monasteries

Laos is also famous for its beautiful elephants

Image Credit: ven

The Southeast country of Laos is admired by people from the world over because of its breath taking mountains, delicate French architecture and Buddhist monasteries as well. If you crave to visit a foreign country from India that is cheap and affordable, Laos can be that destination for you. The Plain of Jars, their Night Market and their Temple Tours are never to be missed at all!

Thailand: Modern As Well As Deeply Rooted In Culture

One of the most common destinations for Indians and the Chinese

Image Credit: tourismnewslive

Thailand will tick both the right boxes for you- of a great, modern country as well as a nation with deeply ingrained cultural roots. There are royal palaces as well as a large number of ancient ruins that will leave you breathless, all at a fraction of a cost if you were to travel somewhere far away.

Maldives: Best And Exotic Place To Chill

The perfect country for that exotic chill

Image Credit: justglobetrotting

Now, don’t be mistaken. Maldives is an exotic location undoubtedly, known for its beautiful and luxurious resorts. However, with an immaculate level of planning and some really great research, Maldives can actually be that super affordable and perfect foreign country for you to visit.

So, here are our picks if you plan on making a trip to a foreign destination without actually burning a huge hole in your pocket. After all, any foreign trip is a foreign trip. It depends on how much you have fun on that trip that matters.