7 Places In India Forbidden For Travellers

Some destinations in India that are out of bounds for all travellers


North Sentinel Island, Nicobar

This isolated island in the Indian Ocean hosts a small rare group of tribals, only a few hundred of which remain. The Government of India has kept his island off bound for travellers because the native tribals are believed kill any travellers who lands up here.

Barren Island, Andaman

Home to India’s only active volcano, you can see hot magma and smoke spewing from it from the safety of a distant ship, but you cannot get too close to it on the island.

Aksai Chin, Jammu and Kashmir

Akshai Chin is the battle ground of the 1965 Indo-China war. It marks the disputed territory between the two countries. This beautiful snow desert cannot be visited amidst the military stronghold.

Chambal Valley, Madhya Pradesh

If you think that the modern world has no medieval characters like dacoits and thugs, this place will prove you wrong. It is still the home of gun carrying and blood thirsty outlaws. The birthplace of the likes of Phoolan Devi, this river valley is out of bounds for travellers. When the trains pass through this land in central India, railway police forces advise passengers to shut doors and windows.

Tura, Meghalaya

This little idyllic village in Meghalaya is home to tropical wildlife and vibrant tribal life. But it is not hospitable due to the terrorist groups that have made it their hideout. Gushing waterfalls and limestone caves may seem less beautiful if you could lose your precious life at the hands of a terrorist.

Haflong, Assam

The same problem abounds in this natural jewel in Assam. Weapons trade abounds in this place in the heart of North Cacchar hills. The Himalayan beauty remains a black spot for the otherwise heavenly landscape of the state.

Bastar, Chhattisgarh

If you have seen the recent film Newton, you know why you cannot visit the Naxalite camp in Chhattisgarh. Home to India’s Niagara Falls, Chitrakoot, you cannot visit this place as the Naxalite have declared a war on the Indian state from this resource rich forest.

While India holds many treasures for those with the wanderlust, stay off these places for your own safety.