Why Do We Have A Hard Time Keeping Our New Year Resolutions?

What’s your New Year resolution?


So a new year has begun and some new resolutions too. My New Year resolution is to slow down a bit, eat healthy, lose weight, go for walks, travel more and make time for things I like to do. The start of a New Year is the perfect time to start a new chapter in our lives, no wonder then making new year resolutions is such a big deal!

The usually bustling gym next to our office had just 1 determined soul working out on the first day of the year!
The usually bustling gym next to our office had just 1 determined soul working out on the first day of the year!

But, the question is how many of us actually stick to those resolution post the first or second week of January? The first week or first two weeks is like a honeymoon, goes smoothly and beautifully. Some even survive the full of January but by February we slowly start forgetting what we promised ourselves and by the time we come to the end of the year, we are back to where we started!

Not being able to keep a New Year's resolution is very human!
Not being able to keep a New Year’s resolution is very human!

Image Credit: Flickr-northernstar

Why is that we have a hard time keeping our resolutions? For me making resolutions is a way to motivate myself, I am sure for many others too it means the same but sometimes when we see that the changes or the things we thought would work don’t work then that’s when we start losing interest in the resolution or get demotivated. While sometimes we make resolutions that might be unrealistic and realise it only when we actually get to follow them. Sometimes certain situations or circumstances that take place during the year might make it impossible for you to keep up with the resolutions you make.

When we are making the resolutions we also don’t realise that we might be putting unnecessary pressure or an extra burden on ourselves by doing so, by setting unrealistic goals and then we give up because we get frustrated because it’s difficult to manage. And at times we are just not honest enough or we don’t believe we can do it! Whatever the reason, the important thing to remember is it’s ok if you can’t keep your resolutions because not being able to keep a New Year’s resolution is very human.

So, besides all the other resolutions I have made, I have also promised to not be too hard on myself, while I shall try to follow my resolutions as long as I can and if I can’t then there’s always the next year!

Read Also: 5 Books To Inspire Your New Year Resolution