5 Hacks To Retain Your Employees

If you want to retain your best employees, you have to offer them a work environment they cannot get anywhere else.

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A great pay scale, retirement plans and dynamic job profile are all the things that an employee looks for in his ideal workplace. But that’s not all. As an organization, if you wish to retain the best of your workforce, these are the things you need to do for your employees to keep them working with you:

Always Remember That They’re An Asset To Your Company

Always appreciate their good work

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Your employees should know how much they are valued at their workplace. Greet them regularly and take their opinions on any new decision or rule. Let them know they are an important part of the company and their contributions don’t go unnoticed. When they feel like an integral part of the company’s growth, seeing their contributions coming to life will give them a reason to stay for more.

They Belong Here

Make them part of *the family*

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Your employee should know that he/she is not just another name on the payroll. They should feel connected to the company, the management, and the rest of the employees. Entrust them with responsibilities and let them handle issues on their own. Showing trust in them depicts that you believe in their capabilities and the company is for them to take care of. That itself speaks volumes.

Opportunities For Personal Growth

Give opportunities to your employees to become outstanding. Let them learn.

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To be honest, stale knowledge = stale growth. Create educational opportunities, organize training sessions, encourage them to attend workshops and don’t forget to provide for it. Let them tap into their passions and show them that you’re here for it. Nobody wants to leave a company where ever-flowing valuable knowledge is on the house!

Recognize And Reward

Be genuine and give points where due

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Monetary bonuses are always celebrated but do you feel the difference between “Great job” and “Great job on the Saxon project!”? Yeah, your employees feel it even more. What’s more terrific than watching your contributions come to life is the recognition that comes with it – it’s like a pat on the back. Top talent shouldn’t ever feel unrewarded and unappreciated. That is the reason most employees start looking for another job. And don’t be too “generous” with compliments – your smartest recruits know the fine line between recognition and platitude.

Transparent Work Environment

Make every employee part of the work environment through constant interaction and discussions

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Communication is the key – even when the relationship is an organizational structure. Whenever you chance upon a discussion of an issue or an idea, be open to hearing it. No one likes going unheard or left out of the loop. Involve your employees in problem-solving and communicate wherever you think they lack or have a scope of improvement. Whenever you see the air of a rumor, address it and talk about it honestly. There is no reason to keep your employees at a distance from managerial decisions. Office-politics is not one for fruition, so ensure that it is left at the door.

Go on then, be a good boss. And if you want to add something to the list, pen it down in the comments section. Look out for each other!