5 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview

Going for a job interview? Avoid giving these answers


You are finally ready for the job interview you’ve been waiting for and are eager to portray yourself as the team player and the person they are looking for.

Even as you are super keen to get this role, there are some answers that can actually come off as too casual or generic to your potential employers.

Here are some of the most common job interview answers that you should avoid saying, when in an interview.

If you hire me for this role you will not regret it

Everyone says this and of course no one would ever say that the company could make better use of them in some other role. If you have been called in for the interview for a particular role, chances are your recruiter already went through your profile. You want the job, and they are considering you for the same too, so avoid saying this as it could sound a bit desperate, and give off the message that you are ready to work under any terms.

I am a workaholic; I will work as much as required

This is not something you have to specifically mention. Some organizations can actually look at this as an excuse to deliberately take overtime dues, when the work can be managed within the stipulated time. Saying in your interview that you are a workaholic can also show that you don’t have much of a social life, which could make potential employers wary. There has to be a mix of work and personal life, so hold back on this one.

I am a great team player

And this is a great outdated answer. Avoid. One of the main things that recruiters want you to be today is a self-sufficient person who can take care of responsibilities without always being guided.

Show them that you are confident and self-reliant

Image Credit: Movie – Up In The Air

Unless you are applying for a role that specifically requires you to handle a team, refrain from giving this answer. Also, don’t say this out loud unless you have a real answer to your recruiter’s next potential question – “What have you achieved in a team?”

I want this job because I love challenges

This is not adventure sports, it’s work at the end of the day, and you need more concrete answers about why you want this job, rather than saying you love challenges. Tell your employer what you can bring to the table and why you are actually looking forward to this job.

I am open to the salary you suggest

If this is your first job, do your research, speak to friends who are in similar jobs, and give your employer a quote. If you are already working, give a more definitive answer about what package you are looking for. Recruiters value honesty, and it is best to be clear about what you have in mind, instead of asking them to suggest and then saying you want more.

Be realistic in your answers and try and show them why you are a good fit for the role. While the idea may be to impress your recruiters, be confident in your capabilities, know your limitations, and maintain a clear balance.

Read Also: How To Deal With The “Weaknesses” Question In An Interview