7 Tips For Handshake Etiquettes

As the world talks about the tactical handshake when Modi trumped the US President; let us break down the anatomy of proper handshake etiquettes.


This was the first time that Modi and Trump were meeting. After addressing the media, Modi went in for his signature hug after Trump’s statement. However, he made a tactical statement when he refused to let go of Trump’s hand after the handshake, considering the latter’s penchant for awkward handshakes. Modi definitely left with an upper hand.

Here are 7 tips to making a good first impression with your handshake.


1. Know when to initiate a handshake

Rather, it is important to know when not to initiate a handshake. The person in higher authority or senior in age should be the first to initiate a handshake. For instance, in an interview, the interviewer should always be the one to take the lead. Also, in all cases, ladies reserve the right to offer a handshake first. Never withdraw a handshake because that is rude. Carry through it and do not apologize.


2. Look to the person when shaking hands

Etiquette demands that you stand up and look the person in the eye when shaking hands. Looking below or away may seem a sign of low confidence or distraction, and be disrespectful. If you are walking past a person, it is polite to stop and turn to shake hands.




3. Offer a greeting

It is better to greet the person with his or her name before or during the handshake. Saying the name makes a good first impression as it shows you care enough to remember the name. Also silent handshakes can be awkward.


4. Handshake should be firm, but not crushing

While limp hands convey weakness and low self-esteem, too strong handshakes convey over confidence and over bearing personalities. This is why Trump’s handshakes have gained notoriety.


5. The duration is important

A good professional handshake should last between 2 to 5 seconds. It is important to be observant and follow the lead of the other person to withdraw the handshake. It is also important to withdraw the handshake after appropriate time if the other person continues holding your hand.



6. The other hand

Your left hand should be unclenched and outside your pocket, else it shows a defensive demeanor. Professional etiquette also advises not to touch other person’s arm or press the handshake with the left hand.


7. Up and down motion of the handshake

Swaying the handshake or pumping other person’s hand more than 3 times can lead to an awkward handshake.
First impressions matter a lot in professional environment. And a good handshake will go a long way in setting the tone of the conversation.
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(Image credits-Pixabay, Giphy)