Are You Short-Tempered? Here’s How To Deal With It At Work

Keep calm and let the world carry on!

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Do you often find yourself losing your temper at work? Does it sometimes feel like nothing is going according to plan, and you’re about to lose it? It happens to the best of us – from something as simple as receiving an irrationally demanding email, to having to bear the brunt of employees making costly mistakes. Well, here’s the problem – taking it out in a public fit almost never solves the problem, it only serves to create new ones.

Anger at the workplace is a common issue plaguing corporate India. Short-tempered people tend to create problems at the workplace more frequently than they solve them. It is a hassle for co-workers, bosses and underlings alike. To help you maintain your cool at the office, here are a few tips you can implement.

Identify Your Triggers

Everyone has certain things that tick them off more than others. In all likelihood, there are certain things that trigger your anger. The trick is to identify these triggers and then build up a constructive response to them beforehand. Once you have this preemptive system in place, you will know exactly what to do should such a situation arise.

Be The Voice Of Reason

Try to be steady and keep your calm even if you feel annoyed

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Remaining calm is easier said than done, however it is also critical to maintain the atmosphere of the workplace. You have to consciously stay steady, avoid raising your voice unnecessarily and speak at a normal pace whenever you feel the anger is starting to flow. Doing so enough number of times will eventually smoothen out your temper.

Look At The Bigger Picture

Always keep your focus on the task at hand. Think of yourself as a third party, and judge how your actions will affect team dynamics, efficiency and work ethic. This gives you a glance at the requirements for the bigger picture to be fulfilled, which in turn gives you an appreciation for the conduct you need to portray.

Don’t Take Things Personally

A lot of temper tantrums start because people take things personally when they were not meant to be so in the first place. Try and detach your personal feelings from the situation and look at it objectively to be more patient and understanding.

Develop A Support System

Build a network of like-minded people so that you can talk to them when you are under stress

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Networking at the workplace is important for more than just business. It helps you identify people you can talk to when you are under stress, or when something is bothering you. Bottling up your feelings is never a good idea. Find someone you trust and let them guide you through a difficult time.

There are a lot of other ways to deal with your temper in the workplace. You could choose to walk away, give yourself some time before you react or turn to a predetermined course of action. Whatever you do, make sure you can keep your temper at bay, because screaming at an employee or throwing things around can only serve to give you a bad reputation.