Bored At Work? Is It Time To Quit And Start Your Own Thing?

If you’ve noticed these signs and your mind tells you to move, maybe it’s time


Many of us have been in a job when we want to quit and move on, as something doesn’t feel satisfying enough.

There are quite a few who have thought of starting something of their own, or have been interesting in some or the other venture, but haven’t been able to pursue it, because work called first.

But if your other ideas are taking over your current job, if it is interfering with your performance, or if it is taking all the joy out of your current work, , then maybe it’s time to review what you really want to do.

Before you start typing out your resignation, it is best to think about what it is that you are going for, and add a little planning to it.

Are your dreams interfering with your work?

If you’re always thinking more about what you could be doing right now in something else and end up wasting the time doing nothing productive instead, maybe this is not really the right role for you. It is good to be ambitious and dream, but if it’s keeping you from doing your best, maybe it’s time to stop wasting time.

Are you more excited about the new ‘thought of’ venture than what you’re currently doing?

If you’re always waiting to leave so that you can plan for your next thing, this isn’t meant for you

Image Credit: Movie – Office Space

It’s possible you already have some kind of a plan about what you’re going to do. But does that future plan excite you more than the enthusiasm you feel for the work you are doing now? The easiest way to give your best to your work is by doing something that is close to your heart and that manages to excite you. If this work role doesn’t do that to you, then this is not your calling either.

Once you decide to make the move, you will get a lot of advice from everyone that life will be tough out there and how this may not be the best decision for you. If you are in doubt, remember that failing is but a step to getting it right and countless people have failed first before they made it big.

Of course it will be a risky move, there are really no guarantees in life. But what if you don’t make this move now and miss out on your dream opportunity for ever?

Take your time, make your plan, plan A, plan B and plan C, go through it all from all aspects, then go for your dream.

Read Also: Are You Working Because You Want To, Or Because You Have To?