What To Do When Your Boss Screams At You In Front Of Other Colleagues

How to deal with a boss who yells in meetings


It can be very embarrassing and frustrating when a senior or the boss screams at you in front of others at work. Even if it is your mistake, you would rather prefer being reprimanded and corrected personally, rather than being embarrassed in front of the whole team.

In the series, ‘The Office’, boss Michael Scott screams ‘No God! Please’, when he realises that the annoying Toby has been brought back by the corporate. Though it is no one’s fault, he loses his steam, and yells at Toby who has not said a word.

Michael Scott yells at Toby for no fault of his

Image Credit: theoffice

“The least effective thing you can do is fight emotion with emotion by yelling back at someone who’s yelling at you,” says Steven P. Cohen, author of the book, ‘The Practical Negotiator: How to Argue Your Point, Plead Your Case, and Prevail in Any Situation’. “If one party is emotional and the other stays calm, the unemotional one has far more leverage.” The trick is learning how to use it.

So, what do you do when the boss yells at you in front of other colleagues?

Say nothing for the moment

It is one of those situations where it is better to keep quiet, not react, and respond to the situation after some thought. Also, it’s totally understandable to freeze up or feel panicked and defensive when you’re being yelled at.Wait until he or she runs out of steam and stops shouting before you continue the discussion.

Engage with the boss after some thought

Obviously, you need to explain to your boss that his or her yelling bothers you. You could say “When someone screams at me like this, it’s very hard for me to focus. I feel as if we are really not communicating.” There’s a certain chance that pointing out the problem will embarrass the boss into lowering his voice.But even if it is not effective, at least you feel less like a victim after venting your thoughts.

Maintain your restraint

Maintain your demeanour and talk softly. This will remind the boss to maintain his composure as well, by setting yourself as an example. Also, he or she will be compelled to lower their voice to hear you. It distracts the yeller from whatever is stressing him out and shifts his attention to the content of the discussion, where it belongs; and, second, the glaring contrast between your voice and their might cause them to talk to you more quietly.

Know your limits and prepare likewise

Sometimes the job is not worth the yelling and shouting matches. You need to introspect on the limits of how much embarrassment you can take. If speaking to the boss does not deter them from such behaviour again, you might have to consider your options. Especially, if the yelling at work is affecting your mental and physical wellbeing, and personal life.

These approaches will help you deal with a boss who yells in meetings or in front of other coworkers.

Read Also: How To Work With A Dominating Boss