What To Do When Your Co-Workers Are Noisy

How to focus in a noisy work environment


Some are born as loud-mouths, some get excited easily, some shout to make a point, some need to scream on the phone, and some love music too much. It is unfortunate if all or any of these species works near you on the office floor.

If such may be the case, you are doomed to work in a noise environment, and the frustration does not bode well for your productivity, concentration or peace of mind.

You may know what a female colleague thinks of her mother-in-law, but you may not be able to file in the report on time. You may know what music the next-desk neighbour loves, but your ear-drums need your help.

Here is how you can say STFU politely for some peace in your work space.

Bring up the issue

Probably you are not the only one who is having this problem. By speaking about it as office etiquettes at a review meeting can help resolve the problem at the roots. This also helps as you are not pointing fingers or singling out anybody, but the concerned person will get the hint. Raj Chedda, marketing consultant and L&T used this method to bring out the issue in the open and discuss it, so that the noisy get the hint.

Be assertive and polite

If two co-workers are having a loud conversation or argument, you can politely ask them to take it someplace else. And if they persist, you can shift out for some time to prove your point. You can also do the same for the loud phone caller. Hardik Shah, Partner at Service Saathi and Eklavya Academy says he asks his employees to keep quiet indirectly.

Request for quiet zones

You can request the management to establish quiet zones in the office, which can become your haven of solace. The other solitude seeking souls like you can migrate here at the unusually loud hours of the day.

Tell them why

It helps to explain your demand for quiet by demonstrating why your work demands it. It should be seen that this is not some personal fancy, but the requirement for your nature of work. Let your co-worker know you have a deadline to make your request seem reasonable.

These work hacks may help to establish some peace at your work.