Colleague stole your idea at work? Do this

Shoot it down, but not yourself

Image Credit: pinterest

You are in an office meeting and a co-worker stands up to present an idea. As it gets more and more discussed, you realize you have heard it somewhere. No, actually, you created the idea, and now you’re hearing the same from someone else’s mouth, as is the entire company, thinking it to be their idea and not yours.

Wish you had a bazooka to seal the deal?

We would too, but wait, there might be some better ways to deal with it.

1. React, but first calm down

It is natural to feel very upset when a colleague has wronged you and passed off your idea as theirs. But while you need to definitely react, it is more important to first calm down a little before you do so. What comes out when you are angry may not be the best way to put things, and may actually do more harm to your position than good.

2. Be smart, and right away

“Talk about it right there and own it back.”

Ameya Udare, who works as a Senior Manager in Product Development in IDFC, feels that it is best to deal with the situation there and then, rather than waiting for the right moment. “Discuss about it right there by talking about the idea. Ask more details. This way, you’ll be able to expose how this was your idea which the said person is now passing off as their own.”

Don’t wait for weeks or the next meeting to talk about what happened. Do it right then, say something such as “hey, it’s great you decided to bring up in the meeting what I discussed with you yesterday. Thanks, I’ll take it over from here since I have the details,” and then own it.

3. Don’t get personal

What you say has a direct impact on your overall work and reputation. Stand up for yourself but don’t be trashy about it. Talk in a professional way, and stay away from using disrespectful words.

4. Be vocal about what you do

A lot of people are unfortunately waiting to show off how much they work, and undermine the rest. There’s no shame in talking about how hard you work. Self-promote yourself, but do it only to showcase what you do, not to show down someone else.

There’s bound to be issues at work where you’re surrounded with other competent individuals. While it’s not pleasant, stealing ideas is common. As long as you stand up and shoot it right there, you may have a better chance in the future.