Essential Tips For Your Mid-Year Performance Review

Are you worried about your half-yearly review at work? Don’t be!

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The mid-year end is approaching and all you can think about is the performance review. We get it! The middle of the year can be very scary. Mid-year crisis is very real and while we have already discussed how to handle that, we are here today to discuss how to handle the mid-year performance reviews at work. Mid-year reviews are nothing to worry about as long as you spend time preparing for it.

Gathering Information & Self-Evaluation

Preparing yourself is the key to any successful discussion.

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These are the first two steps you have to take in order to prepare yourself for the performance review. To begin with, get out and gather information on your position, your latest goals, your job description, your plans etc. Find out and read the pointers from your previous evaluation. Carefully read the feedback and work on your stance accordingly. Look for recent projects and reports you worked on. Find out and record the results you have achieved. Let all this information sync in and use it as a basis of your self-evaluation.

Next, begin assessing your own performance. Take out some time and carefully analyse your wins, losses, goals, shortcomings etc. If you find anything negative, prepare yourself to talk about it during the review. The main objective of self-evaluation is to make you ready for the discussion. It is always a great impression when you demonstrate self-awareness.

Be Proactive And Forthcoming

Let your manager know how serious you are about your job.

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You are there at the performance review for a purpose, get straight to it. The down-to-business attitude is not only impressive but also works in your favour as far as the performance evaluation is concerned. Prepare your questions for the review in advance. Make it easy for everyone to interact with you. Ask questions like, “What can I do to improve?” and show your intent as well as initiative.

Go into the meeting with a draft of goals and objectives for the coming period. Prove your worth by showing how much you care about the company. During the meeting, you can let your seniors review and refine your draft. Make sure your draft is pragmatic as well as challenging.

Last but not the least, practice and prepare for the discussion in advance. If you expect a salary or promotion related negotiation at the meeting, prepare your “Ask” in advance. Use as many facts and figures as possible to prove your point and keep your emotions in control.

Are you ready for the performance review now? I hope you are!