Five Tips To Help Adulting In Your First Job

Rules for adulting at workplace


Work places are different from colleges and universities. You are supposed to be responsible, not for your results, but for your work, deadlines, team work and projects. You have to pull your weight with a team, and deliver results expected of you from your boss.

So, while the pay and the formal wardrobe may seem fascinating, you have to begin adulting at work.

In the series, ‘Suits’, Harold is a fresher, and gets badgered by Louis for being irresponsible as he keeps making mistakes and talks about his tattoo

Image Credit- TV Series – Suits

So, how do you begin adulting at your first job?

Work Manners

Punctuality, politeness and basic manners are a must at work. Be on time everyday at work, for meetings and presentations. Also, stay behind if you are required to complete a task. This is not like college lectures, where things might happen at the ring of a bell. Also, apt manners and work ethics are a good start to building a great work image.

Akshay Kalyanpur, an Accounts Executive suggests that dressing right, punctuality, using proper language, instead of cuss words are extremely important to maintain certain line of dignity at work, and help adulting at work.

Respecting Co-Workers

We have to work with many people throughout the career, and each may be different in their personality and work style. But we have to be respectful of all, and try to create good positive relationship with all of them.

Completing Your Work

You have to complete the task assigned to you. Whether your boss asks you to finish a report, or when the team is working on a project, regardless of what you think of it, you have to fulfil your responsibilities. This is not the place where a friend can fill in for you.

Being Ready For Discussions

You have to be ready for discussions with an open mind. Sometimes it may be your fault, and you would have to accept it and learn something. And sometimes you may have to face a confrontation when you believe you are right. Rather than avoid these situations, be an adult and accept them. Learn how to give tough feedback and receive it.

Realising Your Limitations

Self-awareness is very important for adulting at work. Know when you are frustrating others, when you are not pulling your weight, when you are wrong, when you can do better. If you don’t, get feedback. Always be learning from yourself and keeping tabs on where you stand in your career.

These work approaches will help you for adulting at work.

Read Also: 5 Tips To Start Financial Planning With Your First Job