Hate Education? Here Are New Age Jobs That Don’t Need Any!

Of course you can get well paid jobs even without any education.

Hate Education? Here Are New Age Jobs That Don’t Need Any!
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

To begin with, the point of this article is not to inspire people against education. Education is very important and everyone knows that. But what we should also understand is that it is NOT for everyone. Many simply don’t have the knack for it. Many just happened to fall out of it. Many chose the wrong path during their education days. What now? Now, first of all, you should know that you can make a decent living even without higher academic qualifications. The “Job Market” has become more about skill-sets than degrees and qualifications. In fact, there are jobs that have emerged in the recent past which require no formal education but pays decently. Here are few such jobs-

You Are Good At An Art? Teach Others!

Who says fitness isn’t an art? There’s rising demand of fitness trainers all over the world.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

Be it Dance or Music or Fine arts, all you need is to be good at it. You must have the requisite skills and the zeal to teach others. If you do, you might just be the perfect candidate for an art instructor/teacher. Today, children are motivated and pushed to pursue arts and crafts because their parents know how important it is for their holistic growth. You can bank on this progressive trend and bake your own bread through it by meeting the rising demand of dance/music/fine arts instructors. It is always advisable to finish a certification course of sort in your respective art form in order to be quickly noticed.

Or You Can Become A “Hacker”

No kidding! Ethical hacking is actually a thing. If you are good with everything that they do on the computers, it is more than worth a shot because this job pays REAL well. Since everything happens digitally these days, there is a constant threat of cyber breaches within governments, banks, multinationals etc. So, what they do is hire ethical hackers and keep a check on any potential threat in their system. You can pursue a certification course right after your secondary education and land a job paying 10+ lakhs per annum.

Design A Game!

You can land a starting job of Rs.50,000 per month!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Economically speaking, the Gaming Industry is currently one of THE BIGGEST industries in the world. This is practically the age of online Gaming Industry. Even Netflix feels threatened because of people’s diversion towards online games. Now, where there’s demand, there are OPPORTUNITIES. In India, the gaming industry is currently a budding venture with a very promising future. Self-learning or a small and quick certification course can make you a game designer. And then, there’s no stopping you from earning money. You can land a job with a big gaming company or freelance for many. Eventually, as you perfect your skill-set, your monetary value keeps increasing.

There’s no alternative to education. Education is obviously extremely important and everyone must pursue higher studies. But then you know how things can be. So, just in case, you know your options now.