Here’s How Yoga Can Help Your Work Performance And Creativity

An expert tells us how Yoga can improve your work

Image Credit: sydneycorporateyoga

Mayur Popat clearly feels different on the day he practices Yoga for an hour. A writer and director in his own Media house, Mayur feels that Yoga helps him stay fit, physically and mentally.

He says, “I feel more positive and energetic the day I practise yoga. I can feel my creative juices flowing easily, and can come up with better ideas for my work.”

Sanjay Ajit, running his own business in construction industry, also feels the positive impact of regular yoga. He says, “Whatever may be the circumstances, I never miss my dedicated one hour of yoga. Like the body needs food daily, and it becomes second nature to eat on time, similarly your health needs yoga everyday.”

Sanjay would sleep for 12-13 hours. Now his hours of sleep have reduced to 4 and half hour. But despite the reduced hours in sleep, he feels more energetic. He says, “I feel child-like positivity. My concentration and focus on work has improved. Even in stressful situations I feel positive. This destressing and positive vibes have definitely improved my business.”

Ankita Shah Jariwala, qualified in Yoga Science and a trained Yoga instructor says that, “Yoga is often misunderstood as merely a physical exercise. But it goes beyond into spiritual and mental development. It leads to an integration of personality through a harmonious coordination between physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects.”

She says that if the mind is stable, you can achieve any goal at work. Pranayam and Meditation, along with Yoga, help in achieving the full potential at work.

Chair Yoga is helpful in reducing stress at work

Image Credit: stpost

Ankita says that all of us can practise Chair Yoga to overcome work fatigue. Simple stretches at your desk can help relieve work stress, and keep you fresh for hours of work.

Even a few Suryanamaskar in the morning can help to spend a productive day. While there are many specific asanas for concentration they require the assistance of an instructor. Despite that, even simple Pranamyam and Suryanamaskar can help at work.

So, embrace Yoga if you want to improve your performance and creativity at work.