Here’s What You Need To Know When You Have To Reschedule A Job Interview

What to do when you cannot make it for an important job interview.

Image Credit: psichika

You are searching for the perfect opportunity. You network with friends, you scour through job sites, you clear the screening tests, and finally land an interview. You are exhilarated as this is the dream job you were hoping for. And then, due to some inevitable situation, you cannot make it to the time suggested by the recruiter. You need to request for rescheduling. And you are worried this could cost you the opportunity.

Rescheduling an interview can result in some negative outcomes, damaging your credibility as a candidate. There are a few initial thoughts recruiters and leaders jump to when hearing you need to reschedule an interview. The first is that you are displaying a lack of interest in the job. Secondly, it could be taken as your disrespect towards their time. It also brings into question your time management and problem-solving skills.

Despite these hurdles, there are some things you can do to safely reschedule an interview, without inviting sceptical and critical thoughts.

Leave Time For A Long Notice

Don’t wait for the last minute if you are certain of requesting for rescheduling. Give them time to manage their other appointments. They will definitely prefer an advanced heads up before the news being sprung at the last minute.

Get The Message Across

Don’t rely only on a message or mail to make your request. It is not enough to drop a mail and consider that your request will be granted. It is better to follow up with a phone call. This shows that you respect their time as well and do not lack interest in the opportunity.

Follow up with a call to ensure that they have received your request

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Be Honest

Remain truthful about why you are requesting for this. Use tact while conveying your reason. Whether it is an urgent medical issue or not being able to get a half-day from the current organisation, you need to be honest.

Apurv Verma, Senior Manager at SRV media, says, “You have to be honest. You don’t want to be seen as someone who gives false excuses even before joining the organisation.”

Assure Cooperation

When you are requesting for a reschedule, offer them two to three options. This will avoid much friction in further communication. It will mean that you are genuinely interested. Also, follow up with a thank you mail to convey that you are genuinely obliged by their consideration.

These approaches will help you safely reschedule a job interview.