How A Pair Of 20 Year Olds Garnered A Following Of 25 Million On Their Facebook Page

Nikhil and Satyam started ‘No One Cares’ to inspire people on Facebook.


One attempted a diploma in computer engineering, and the other tried getting a degree in Commerce, but both found their calling early. And became the owners of a popular page on Facebook at the young age of 20. After his diploma, Nikhil joined a course for a degree in engineering, but dropped out after a few months. And Satyam left his course in polytechnic within a few days of college. When they decided to pursue their dream of a start-up, their Facebook page already had 10 million followers.

Nikhil Kale and Satyam Shastri started No One Cares two years ago. Nikhil is the co-founder and CEO of the company, and Satyam looks after the company marketing and business.

Satyam says, “We did not have a lot of money in our pockets. We planned to create a revenue generation model through our page itself. And within two months of quitting college, we were approached for the promotions of Jolly LLB 2. That’s when we started earning from our bootstrapped model.”

Their main goal behind starting this Facebook page was to inspire people to follow their passion, and to reach out candidly, without hesitation. This is not a surprise when you realise that Nikhil and Satyam met each other on Facebook. Before starting that their own page, both had worked on content creation for other pages. But being students, they could not remain consistent. Nikhil says, “We could not post very regularly. Also, we were new and often the pages would get hacked. But we both realised that we had a talent for this. We knew how to create content that would definitely go viral. What we lacked was the financial support and a good opportunity. That is when we both got together, and decided to explore a scope that was till then relatively new, about emotional inspiration on Facebook. We started ‘No One Cares’ with this essential thought in mind.”

No One Cares is a popular Facebook page, which shares motivational and inspirational content, high on emotional and supportive value, for anyone looking for a regular dose of daily motivation.

Nikhil and Satyam started ‘NoOneCares’ on Facebook to create content that connects with their followers

Satyam and Nikhil would stay up nights in their effort to come up with the perfect piece of content. Nikhil says, “For us, perfect content was one which would instantly connect with our follower, without making them feel as we were feeding them content artificially. It was easy to schedule posts every 20 to 25 minutes, but creating that one post would require more than that time.”

While the Facebook walls remain crowded, Nikhil and Satyam ensured that their post would stand out by creating content that would endear to the natural emotions and behaviour of their followers. Their special efforts to connect with people have brought them on a journey where everyday is special for the last two years.

The duo concentrated on creating the perfect content as their main strategy

What drives Nikhil and Satyam to create inspiration content is the realisation that everyone feels alone in this fast paced and crowded world. Nikhil says, “While everyone feels isolated, there is no one to tell them that they are not actually alone in feeling this. When people see the likes and comments on our posts, they realise that they are not alone in the situation. And that is why our content connects with so many people.”

After their work with Jolly LLB 2, they were soon approached by bigger brands from the entertainment and gaming industry. That’s when the team started Psifiako Media Pvt Ltd. They even have clients like Fox Stars, but here they did not share full credits with their logo.

The duo plan to expand their content creation format from words and visuals, to include videos. Nikhil feels that videos are the best way to communicate something in a short time. Satyam says, “Right now we are focussing on creating video content, and have opened a small studio in our office itself.”

The two overcame all kinds of social and family pressures because they believed in their power to create valuable content. Nikhil says, “If anyone wants to create popular content, they should focus on what people like. Not only on what you like. You have to think according to your audience, what they will connect with.”

Nikhil and Satyam have tried to focus on content creation to perfect their strategy to gather 25 million followers on Facebook.