How To Complete Tasks You Hate At Work

How to find the motivation to do the assignment you hate?


Though we may love our work, there still may be some tasks that we hate. You may love your work as a social media manager, but may hate filing reports on campaign effectiveness. You may be great at the creative part of being an entrepreneur as a cake- maker, but may hate to maintain your own financial accounts.

And it is as it should be. Once you accept a professional role, you cannot nit pick what work comes your way. You are entitled to do all the tasks that come with it, interesting and tedious.

In ‘The Big Bang Theory’, Sheldon wanted to intern at the Neurobiology lab with Amy, but did not like the menial task of cleaning beakers. But he had to do it as it was part of his work as an intern

Image Credit: Movie – The Big Bang Theory

So, how do you find the motivation to complete tasks that you hate at work?

Think about the reason

You must be doing the task for a reason. So, concentrate on the reason, rather than the task itself. The reason may be that this presentation is important to get a big client with whom you would like to work, or as simple as the reason that you like your job, and the present task is just a small part of it.

Focus on completing the task

You can put in the minimum effort required to do the task. You need do it with the same perfection that you do other assignments that you like. It does not mean you put in shoddy work. The completed task should be effective, but need not require extra effort to make it the best of your work.

Break up the work

You might find it easier to complete a distasteful task but doing it in small dozes over a period of time. So, break up the task and mix it with other work that you are excited about. This helps to maintain your energy and positivity at work.

It is fine to whine about it

Venting helps to complete boring tasks. Just make sure you are not spreading your negative vibe around the office, and that your emotional outlet of choice actually improves your mood.

These approaches can help you complete tasks that you hate at work.

Read Also: How To Be Motivated To Work When You Are Not In The Mood