How To Counter Bullying At Work?

Bullying can potentially destroy your work life. Learn how to NOT become a victim!

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Just when you thought that the era of bullies ends at an educational center like school and college, you counter a ‘bully’ at work. As difficult as it is to believe, 60% people at workplaces undergo bullying of some form. You might tend to think of it as a disillusion of a ‘hyper’, ‘jealous’ or ‘bossy’ behavior but it is bullying in its truest form. Today, we tell you how to put an end to your time of being bullied. For good!

Call Them Out

Confront them and tell them what’s wrong with what they are doing.

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Any time you notice your bully yelling at you or abusing you in any form, stand up to them and tell them what they’ve just done. Don’t react to their actions. Just respond with a summary of what they’ve just said to you and that you will not take it. For instance, ‘You have tried to come into my cubicle, sabotage my work and yelled at me.” Your bully will have agitated reactions to being called out in a room full of people, but you need to continue portraying his actions to a larger audience. Trust us; there won’t be a third time.

Document Their Actions

As difficult as it is for you, you must stay strong and more importantly- smart!

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If you have been bullied for a while now, you need to date stamp all actions that you have encountered. Put it down on email and describe each incident in detail and include the names of the people who were witnesses to it.

If you have been bullied on email or text or other digital correspondence, get hard copies of those communications and document it. If you plan to press charges, you will need it as evidence. If you have been threatened on calls, record it and document it in order to share it with the necessary authority as and when required.

Report If Necessary

When it gets out of hand, do not hesitate from reporting. Bullying is taken very seriously in all respectable organizations.

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When you believe that the bullying has crossed a line and it isn’t something you can take anymore, report it to the HR. If necessary, you may press charges too. Bullying is a serious offense and you should be responsible enough to drag a bully to court who tries to hamper not only your work but also your life in the process. It affects your mental and physical health apart from your work life. In any case, you need to build a solid ground before reporting them to the appropriate authority and filing a formal complaint.

Seek Other Employees Out Who Are Also Being Bullied

If there is a bully amidst you, you are most probably not their only target.

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If a bully is a bully, they will be convicted or fired. You may invite other employees who you know are being bullied by the same person to help get rid of the toxic environment altogether. Seek assistance from an appropriate authority and ask your colleagues who have witnessed it. By assessing the behavior of your bully, you can guess their impact on other employees as well.

Your work environment, just like any other space in your life, needs to be a breathe-free space. You shouldn’t have to put up with anyone trying to put you down constantly. With courage and confidence, you can successfully neutralize bully behavior.