How To Deal With Conflicting Advice At Work?

What to do when your seniors and your instincts say different things?


We all are struggling with some aspect of our work. Rarely a day goes by when you are in control of everything. And a major part of work often involves asking and receiving advice from colleagues, seniors and bosses.

But sometimes, we receive a piece of advice that goes against our instincts or values. Some inner voice tells you different than the person in front of you. Whether it is your wardrobe for an interview, or the content of your presentation, you may be facing conflicting advice. Where can you turn when all of that advice does not serve to push you in one clear direction?

In the series ‘Suits’, Mike would often follow his instincts in solving a case, against the advice of his mentor Harvey

Image Credit: TV Series – Suits

Smita Shetkar, Chief Risk Office at Avenues India, says, “It is believed that one knows oneself, and by that logic one knows what is best for oneself. However, there is no harm in obtaining advice from seniors and mentors, who by virtue of their experience, have a lot of practical knowledge. However, instincts also play a major role in decision making. So, it is best to follow a blend of both, advice and instinct.”

So, what can you do when you face conflicting advice at work?

Check The Source

When it comes to receiving advice, remember to think about what sorts of circumstances could lead that person to feel that way. Is this someone with a solid handle on your particular situation, or is he or she coming at it with a certain bias or lack of understanding? Who is giving the advice is a major factor when you face conflicting advice, and do not know which direction to take.

Consider Your Values

Knowing your own values and inclinations is important before you consider advice by others. Everybody has their own outlooks, and it is necessary to see whether their advice and your values are aligned or not. Someone who does not think much of honesty, may not be the best person to advice you if you think integrity is an important virtue.

Heed Your Instincts

Often you already know what you want to do, and are just waiting for outer opinions to confirm your choice. When this happens, you need to be courageous enough to follow your conviction. After all, you may not be able to implement the choice, if it goes against your instincts to follow someone else’s advice.

These work approaches will help your clarify your choice when facing conflicting advice.

Read Also: Here’s How To Reply To Unsolicited Advice From Your Coworkers