How To Dodge Discussing Confidential Matter At Work

Don’t know how to escape from revealing conversations at work? Here are 5 ways to dodge discussing confidential matter at work.


How many of us have been victims of nosey aunties at work? A colleague who likes to ask many questions about your weekend plans, or your partner, or about a confidential project? While we all may be uncomfortable with these walking questionnaires, and view their arrival as a living nightmare, it may be difficult to dodge them all the time.

Here are few easy ways to escape divulging conversations at work.

1. Use headphones

Even if you are not listening to music or talking to anyone, pretend you cannot hear because you are using headphones. This way you can avoid getting into an irritating conversation by holding your defense from the word Go. Even if you are not on headphones, play a song on your playlist slyly, and when it rings, pretend you got a call and walk away.

2. Be the busy bee

When the colleague walks up with a question, suggest you are very preoccupied with a deadline. Tell them you will connect after you finish the work. If you do not keep your promise, they may get the hint that you do not like intrusive questions.

3. Counter question

Drive the conversation their way, by asking them the same questions. If someone asks you about your confidential project, say that you are not up date with it. Then immediately ask them about their work.

4. Sarcasm

Sarcasm works best in such situations. If someone asks about your salary hike, suggest that it has been raised by 100% because the boss is in love with you. If someone asks about your new car, suggest it was a gift from your neighbor. After all, sarcasm is better than violence.

5. Be honest

If anyone is so naïve that they do not get the hint with above tricks, you might have to be brutal, and tell them honestly that you do not like these curious conversations. Sometimes, honesty may be the last resort to a perennial problem.

Defend your privacy and right not to answer, with these 5 ways to dodge discussing confidential matter at work.