How To Get More Out Of Your Work, Than Just Salary?

How to feel job satisfaction beyond the paycheque


Many of us feel that just getting a paycheque at the beginning of every month is not enough. We need something more from our job. Though the salary is the primary motive that drives you to work everyday, that it not enough if you want to really feel content about your work.

It is human to feel more complete when you start giving back to the society. So while earning a salary is important to pay your bills and have some fun, you may feel more satisfied with your present work if you engage in some charity. It can be seen as an investment in good karma.

The Millennial Impact Report has pointed out that for 55% of them, a company’s support for a social cause has influenced their decision to accept a job offer.

Erin Brockovich went out of her way and beyond her job requirement to get justice for the victims of environmental contamination by a corporate giant

Image Credit: Movie – Erin Brockovich

Sagar Savla, the founder of Bhoomijeevdaya NGO, has turned his passion for animals into a full time vocation. He works as a school administrator and enlists the help of the school trustees in supporting the NGO. He chose the organisation because their values of compassion are aligned to his own goals.

Sagar Savla works as a school administrator and dedicates the after school hours at his animal shelter

So, how do you actually go about finding companies that are committed to charity?

Check Their CSR Policy

The government has made it mandatory for all corporates to donate a part of their profit towards Corporate Social Responsibility. If your organisation does not have a designated person who looks to this, speak to the Human Resources and find out more about it. This will help you to check whether your organisation has its heart in the right place, or whether it is just playing charades at philanthropy. Don’t be afraid to poke around on a company’s social media channels and do some intense Googling.

Ask Them Questions At The Right Time

If you are deciding whether to take up a job offer at a new organisation, do not hesitate to ask the interview panel their stance on corporate volunteerism. Sometimes it may happen that an organisation has engaged in real community work, but they have not published their updates on the website. So you can ask them whether they are involved with any nonprofit organizations? Besides personal satisfaction and clarity, this will definitely reflect well on your work image.

Talk To Your Boss

If you feel that more can be done, speak to your boss. Take the initiative to research what are the ways in which your team can engage in social work, and speak to your boss about the scope for these initiatives. You should also find out what your coworkers and team think about this. Most of the times, people would like to use their acquired skills to do something, rather than divert and do something new.

Search For The Right Job

And more than the above approaches, you can search for an organisation whose core values are in line with your values. That is, you can join an organisation in the education or agriculture sector, as opposed to joining a tobacco or gambling industry and then wondering if they have a CSR policy.

These approaches will help you find more meaning and satisfaction at work, beyond the paycheque.

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