How To Identify Your Career Path As A Working Professional?

If you thought choosing a career was difficult, welcome to the choice of your career path.

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As a young enthusiastic individual, we have all been at one point of time very excited and very confused about our career choice. But that dilemma has been dealt with. Moving on, we thought we will never have to be in that position again. But guess what? We couldn’t be any more wrong. Here you are, yet again, in a persistent dilemma of identifying your career path. Choosing a career is one thing and choosing its path is another. Your career choice will matter and give results if and only you decide on a path for it.

When you have started off with a career and you feel that you are in a position of dilemma, you are looking forward to making a change. Such “change” can be either of the two- changing your career entirely or levelling up in your existing career. Both of these decisions are crucial and will eventually decide professional future. So, it must be dealt with very carefully and seriously.

Strike A Balance Of Capability And Interest

Imagine working somewhere that compliments your personality as well as makes your feel passionate.

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Such dilemmas are often guided by either your ambition or your passion or both. But you must strike a balance. You ambitions are most certainly based on your abilities and your passion on your interests. You are more productive when you enjoy your work and thus, it is important to be passionate about the career path you pick. Then, it is also important to focus on your skills and your personality. You will do best in the career path suited for YOUR skills and capabilities. Instead of leading yourself to a dilemma between choosing what you are and choosing what you love, strike a compromise. Identify a path for yourself where you can find elements of both. And just in case, you are completely unaware of your potential and your interests. Just take a test! There are lots of career assessment tests out there. The results might surprise you!

Seek Help

What we always forget is that there are many other people who have already gone through what we are currently going through. Go NOW and seek counsel. There is no harm in taking advice and suggestions of others. The kind of insider insight that a senior from your industry can give you might prove to be path-breaking (pun intended) for your career.

Research is important and it must be done. But the truth is that no amount of research will give you answers that a real human can. Just be open to conversations and to not take all the burden of discussion on yourself. Sure, it is YOUR career. But there are people who would be glad to help you in making a choice.

Experiment, If You Need To!

Do not bottle yourself up in a criterion or in an industry. Go out and fish!

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This will depend a lot on the kind of financial flexibility you have but if you do, be open to experimenting. Your career does not have to pick a traditional path. Maybe, it is destined to take on an unconventional way. You will never be able to find that out, if you don’t take the risk. The best way of knowing whether a path is right for you or not is to TRY IT yourself. Just dive in and give it a shot.

You never know what your career path has in store for you. While we have been talking incessantly about identifying and choosing our career paths, we forget that sometimes the path chooses us. And when it does, DO NOT disappoint it. DO NOT SAY NO. Dive in, experiment and then if doesn’t work out, you can always come back with that rick experience star pinned to your collar.

The most important aspect of career path to understand is that it is NOT a linear path. It can lead you anywhere and nowhere. You have to be open to all possible options and of course, you have to keep running.