How To Judge The Corporate Culture Of Your Workplace?

The growth of your career as well as your company depends on it.

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Determining your company’s culture and judging it as good or bad can be both very easy as well as extremely difficult. It can be difficult because there are A LOT of things that contribute to a corporate culture and inspecting every parameter can be a daunting task. And well, it can also be super easy because an ideal corporate culture has few key features. Let us find out a convenient and the best way to judge your corporate culture!

The Importance Of First Impressions – The Hiring Process

Any company’s culture can make or break your job experience. Thus, it is important for you to be observant and conscious.

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Any company can easily win your loyalty and faith through a well-defined, smooth, and friendly on-boarding process. If a company is so concerned and responsive about the very first engagement process, they must have a pretty good work culture. On the other hand, if you have a bad experience in the hiring process of any company, you should reconsider your choice. It is important that the company shows strong and dynamic culture right from the beginning.

Can You Freely Showcase Your Skills?

A strong and fair company culture will always let you be yourself. Such a culture will give you the independence of being yourself and the space to showcase your soft skills. Read more about this here.

The leadership of the company should be highly responsive and fluid. They should readily accept change and give ample independence to employees for working freely and showcasing their optimum talent. They should care more about the employees than the results. They should build a culture that has minimum office politics, bureaucracy, and competition. The office culture should be collaborative and one that promotes teamwork and abundant communication.

You Can Always Ask

Always remember, the real information is not just in the facts of their answers but also in the tone and attitude of such answers.

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While observation is the key, asking is the legal cheat code here. Just ask the existing employees about the prevalent work culture. That is not so difficult! And more often than not, employees offer honest answers. But to get an exhaustive view, do not stop there. Ask the customers, the suppliers, the clients, the partners and every stakeholder possible. Ask and gather all the details. This will help you get the honest view of the work culture.

Go ahead, determine your company’s culture and take an informed decision. Information is everything!