How To Make The Best Of Your Coworking Space

Yeah we all know about Coworking Spaces by now but do we know how to utilise it to the fullest?

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Not just the metro cities and the big towns, Coworking Spaces have now become “a thing” in every town in India. And we can all agree that it’s a good thing, not only for small businesses and start-ups but for the entire commercial ecosystem of the town. Coworking Spaces have become so popular that even huge companies like for example- ZOMATO is opting for Coworking Space instead of building their own office in every city. This shift is quite understandable, given the multiple advantages of working in a Coworking Space. You get everything you want arranged for you in one place without you having two take care of multiple bills. All of you have to pay is one periodic amount of membership fees and get everything from the office space, WIFI, Printer to Tea & Coffee. Even though you get well compensated for the fees you pay, it is important that you as an individual make the best of it. So, here’s how to get the most out of your Coworking Space Membership-

Never Let Go Of The “Indian Consumer” Inside You

We as Indian Consumers are popular for making THE BEST out of the services we are sold. I mean from using a toothpaste tube to a Chartered Accountant’s services, we do not rest until we have utilised every penny spent. Now, maybe do not go THAT overboard but make sure you make the best of the perks and amenities provided to you.

It all begins with KNOWING the benefits available. You cannot consume free coffee until unless you know that’s a part of your deal. From meeting rooms and printers to coffee and gym, you have got it all in your package. Make sure you know about all of them, so that you can use them as and when required.

Be A Smart Buyer

Coworking Spaces naturally provide you with all the flexibility. Use it. Embrace it!

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Like any other product and service, you are making a transaction here as well wherein you are a buyer. As a buyer, it is your prerogative to go through the details of what you are buying thoroughly. In this case, it is the Membership Plan. Most Coworking Spaces have multiple membership plans to choose from. You need to go though all these plans and choose the best one for you.

The most common membership (and the cheapest) is the one where you get flexible desk meaning you can choose from the available open spaces. A dedicated desk membership will give you a permanent place that will be yours. A step further (and costlier) would be a private office membership that will provide you with a separate cabin or a whole office space as per the requirements. And then there all sorts of innovative plans to suit all sorts of requirement! In fact, many Coworking Spaces will allow you to speak to the manager and maybe create a customized plan of your own. Just make sure you get what you came for!

It Is “Coworking” Space

Don’t just sit idle. Explore people and brands around you and grab all the potential opportunities.

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If you are working in a Coworking Space and you are not utilizing its inherent advantages, then what’s even the point? The biggest advantage of working in a Coworking Space, especially for freelancers, is socialising and networking. The professional networking advantage of a Coworking Space and outweigh its monetary advantages if utilised properly. You can practically expand and multiply your business through the contacts made within a Coworking Space. Not only that, you can pool in each other’s services to help each other out. And then of course, socializing has its own benefits. A career as a freelancer can get quite lonely over time but Coworking Spaces have been quite a saviour.

All the best for your time at the Coworking Space! It is going to be great, trust me!