How To Make The Most Of Your Internship This Summer

Know what can impress your potential employers and make them hire you


Your college exams are probably done and you are on a break, either waiting for the new term to begin, or thinking about how you can utilize this time in a productive way.

One thing that could really help you boost your career later is start off with an internship. This could be a summer break job, something where you can work for a few hours after college, and in general, an initiation in an industry in which you have an interest and that can help you understand its working better.

Let Your Actions Show That You Are Interested


Even if you don’t have enough work, ask around for something to do, so that you can make your presence felt

Image Credit: Movie – The Intern

Being really interested in the work is one of the keys to help you get the role. If you’re sure you want to do this, make it very clear when you meet your potential employers and tell them that you are willing to put your time and dedication into the work, because you are here to learn. This will make your employers realize that you are serious and are not looking at the internship as something to pass the time.

As an intern, you will not have as much work pressure as the others, which means that you can take up more work and even ask for it. This will help you create a positive rapport with the team and learn a lot more than the work that is initially allotted to you. When your seniors see you being proactively involved, they will surely appreciate the effort.

Engage More With Your Co-Workers And Take Up Responsibilities

The one thing that can really help is to maximize your time and make the best use of it. Raghav Sharma, a young intern working with Shrooms Creatives, feels that the key is to keep your eyes and ears open and learn from your seniors. Never hesitate to ask for help and try to understand the nuances, he says. You may have a particular way of doing something, but when you check on it with your senior, you could find out a better and maybe more efficient way of doing the same thing.

Reading up about your industry and communicating with others in the office can also get you brownie points as an intern.

Read Also: How To Make The Most Of Your Internship