How To Start Loving Your Job Again?

Have you fallen out of love with your job?

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You can love your work. But you cannot love your work forever and ever. Sure, when you first landed this job, there was no limit to your excitement and passion. But, it has been YEARS doing the same job now. It is quite possible that you are now growing sick of it. This feeling can actually be worse than being unemployed. What do you do now? Quit? I don’t think so. Why quit when there is a way to fall in love again?

Press The Pause Button And…

In order to explore the How of it, you first need to understand why.

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First of all, do not get stuck in the monotonous routine. In fact, the chances are that it is this monotony that’s killing you. So, press the pause button and take a step back to rethink everything. Think about what appealed to you so much about this job in the first place. Look for that and try to figure out when and where you lost it. Did your responsibilities change? Are you working in a totally different department now? Trace these changes and see what you can do turn it back into something you can fall in love with once again. It is also possible that you have simply stopped appreciating the job you have. Try and change that by recognizing everything about that once fired you up. It is also possible that there are some specific issues that are making you hate this job. Pluck these issues out like weed!

Renew Your Job Experience

It is entirely possible that you are simply bored of doing the same thing again and again for years. It is possible that you have learnt everything you could and there is no to very less room for evolution in your current job. There are two things you can do now. One is to learn new things and make your existing job interesting again. Or two, you can try and switch departments. So, you can either renew your existing job by expanding your own knowledge and skill-set or you can simply ask for a department switch and land something literally new.

Do Not Let Work Come In Way Of Something Important For You

You must know how to manage your work and not let it come in way of your life.

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Sometimes you start hating work just because it got in your way of something important. If you were not able to take that vacation you were really looking forward to because of your job, the chances are you will start hating your job. If you are disappointing your family again and again because of your job commitments, you will start seeing your job in a negative light. The work-life balance is extremely crucial in maintaining your love and passion for your job. Never ever forget that!

I hope you start loving your job again!