How To Survive At Work When You Cannot Take A Vacation?

What to do when your work does not allow you a break?

Image Credit: euractiv

Sometimes we realise that we are burning out, but the work pressure is such and the deadlines are so demanding that you cannot take a break. You love the work, but it’s just that right now you need a vacation, and yet cannot afford one right now.

You can’t just pack up and go. Maybe your vacation days are already dwindling. Or, perhaps you have way too much on your plate to suddenly shut down your computer and unplug for a while.

In the series, ‘The Big Bang Theory’, Sheldon Cooper works so much that his university forces him to take a break, and it does not go well

Image Credit: TV Series – The Big Bang Theory

Suraj Shetty, Director, Trion Consultancy Services, says, “When I yearn for a vacation but simply cannot take up due to the work pressure, I disconnect from work completely at night to give myself a break. I would also keep my dream destination as the wallpaper of my computer, and plan for when I can take the vacation.”

Here are three things you can do to refresh yourself when you cannot take a break from work.

Spruce Up Your Surroundings

Changing your surroundings in minor ways can have some positive effects on your attitude. If you have grown accustomed to feeling miserable and disheartened when staring at your same cluttered desktop or drab cubicle walls, then deck up the surrounding with family pictures, posters, plants or other memorabilia like dreamcatchers. If your office space allows it, you can even try working from a different space.

Change Your Routine

We may be so used to doing things in a particular way that we do not realise when that comfort zone becomes a cage of boredom. Shuffle your routine. Instead of reading mails in the morning, go for a run. Join a new activity like swimming or dancing. By making some changes to your routine, you give your brain that sense of newness that it’s looking for.

Disconnect When You Can

Switching off the mobile data on your cell or not checking mails till it is completely mandatory, these are few things you can do to disconnect. Especially, unplugging from work on weekend, even if it’s just for a day, can help in rejuvenating yourself. Give yourself permission to take a step back, at least when you are not actively working. You might not be able to take a full-blown vacation. But, even a little bit of time off from the constant pressure of your work life is sure to have a positive impact.

These work approaches will help you survive exhaustion at work when you cannot take a vacation.

Read Also: How To Survive The First Day In Office After A Vacation