How To Tackle Envy At Your Workplace?

Tips to help you handle jealousy at office

Image Credit: Times Of India

When at work, there are countless things that you are expected to keep in mind. Starting from the way you dress to the way you present yourself and even the way you address a situation or tackle a problem, everything is taken into account while marking you as a good employee or as someone who is not competent enough to be a part of the profession. While all of these are outward appearances which can be dealt with in very many ways, there are few deep-rooted inward challenges which we go through each day work.

Such challenges and dilemma can make our professional lives difficult to the extent of us being tired of the job and ultimately questioning our own abilities. A certain amount of competition is great while you are trying to rise high up the ladder of success but when it exceeds the mark, which is when the issue begins.

Shiv Rajvanshi feels, it’s better to find a solution than avoid the problem or indulge in arguments

Public Relations Expert, Shiv Rajvanshi has a few good tips for us to handle such situations. He says,

  • “First of all try to reach to a solution, rather than an argument.
  • Try to avoid unnecessary interference.
  • Always try to assist them whenever they require, that might change their thoughts about you.
  • Set some boundaries between you and them.
  • Always communicate with them, and try to make a friendly environment.
  • Encourage them.
  • Give genuine feedback.”

So, if you think you have risen pretty high up and are on the receiving end of jealousy of your co-workers, do not be surprised for it is a part of the journey. You can try these hacks instead:

Go For Healthy Communication

Start conversing frankly with the person who you think may be jealous of you

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This does not mean you have to directly address the issue of the other person being envious. This means you have to start conversing with the person who you think may be jealous of you. The more you talk openly to the person, the more of the real you unravel and the other person becomes more comfortable with you. Do this until there is no space for jealousy left.

Confrontation Is Not The Key

When you someone is jealous of you, do not make it worse by confronting the issue with the person. Cut yourself and the jealous person some slack. If you point out that he or she is jealous of you, it will only enhance his jealousy and your misery. You can be the bigger one by acknowledging his success and talking about his achievements for a change.

Feel The Pain

Just because you have reached a certain pinnacle of success in your career does not necessarily mean everybody has. Keep that in mind and try walking in the shoes of the ones who are slogging each day to be where you are. That way, you will be able to assess your own actions and find out if anything you do or say hurts the other person.

Know Your Own Worth

Being bogged down by the jealousy that other people feel for you will aggravate the problem

Image Credit: timesofindia

Do not be bogged down by the jealousy that other people feel for you. After all, in the long run, it will not be your problem to deal with, it will be theirs. So, amidst all the pressure do not let somebody else’s jealousy bring in negativity into your mind. You have to know that you are where you are because you are worth it.

Nurture Your Interests

You can only help the other person who is jealous of you. You cannot put yourself out there and devote everything to solve his problem. You have to nurture your own interests and keep trying to do better than you already are.

Jealousy is something that stems from unresolved issues and incompetence. It can harm you in more ways than one but with these hacks, you can easily overcome it.