How To Take Constructive Criticism Like A Boss?

Not LITERALLY like a boss because your boss would probably be giving it to you but you know what I mean.

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What are people who accept criticism with so much poise really made of? Steel? Iron? I mean, it’s really astonishing how well a few people can deal with it. Reviving feedback is really crucial in any work environment and if you are someone who cannot accept constructive criticism, you will miss out on a lot of valuable feedback. Getting defensive, reacting too soon, over-explaining are all sorts of wrongs ways of responding to a constructive criticism. What we actually need to do is get over it and follow these tips-

Wait, Do Not React!

Hang on a second, don’t spoil it already.

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The best way of accepting constructive criticism is controlling your first reaction. The truth is that NOBODY really likes criticism. So the first and the very natural reaction is never an accepting or polite one. Hence, the first step is to stop and take a breath. Just don’t react at all. It is as simple as that. Stay calm and don’t let you shrug or raised eyebrows or widened eyes or any form of dismissive facial expression come up! Just wait it out.

The Next Is To Actually Listen

You need to understand that this criticism is for your own good. The feedback is eventually going to help YOU improve YOUR performance. Hence, the next step is to carefully listen to what your critic has to say. Do not interrupt them and if required, make notes of what they are saying. It will only show how seriously you take this conversation. Your only job at this point is to listen carefully and nothing else. Do not start processing the points right now. For now, just let it register. Once they are done, you can go ahead and thank them for their valuable feedback.

Questions And Follow Up

A follow up meeting shows your seriousness and also helps you improve your performance.

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After you have proved yourself as a great listener, it is time to process what you heard. Not everything they said might make sense. You could have doubts or you could want to better understand an issue. You might even want to share your views on it. You can have that conversation now but it has to begin with a question. Ask for your critic’s time and then, seek answers to your doubts. This is the best and most polite way of having a productive discussion over your feedback.

Always remember, it is for your own good!