How To Work With Someone You Just Don’t Like?

Here’s what you should do when you are put into a team with someone you detest.

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Work places are made up with different kinds of people. With most you might get along. But for some or the other reason, it is not possible always to like everybody. There might be someone who just puts you on the edge. You may know why you don’t like them, or you may not know. But as things stand, it requires extra effort for you to speak to them. And what happens, when you are put into the same team or on the same project with them?

When you are forced to work with someone you don’t like, it can get a little tricky. But it is important that you don’t let your personal preferences affect the work performance or harm the team dynamics. So, what should you do when you have to work with someone you detest?

Don’t Take Things Personally

Don’t let your personal inclinations towards a person affect your professional relationship with them. Speak to them like you would to any other colleague. Especially, if you don’t know why they act like thorns in your side, it would not be fair to display your dislike. When we don’t like someone, it becomes obvious unknowingly, through the tone or subtle facial expressions or behaviour. But in a professional setting, you have to be careful not to let these negative feelings out in a team.

Set Strict Boundaries

When you have to work with someone in a team when you don’t like them, and at the same time, you don’t want to harm your or team’s performance, it is better to set boundaries. Ruchi Doshi, Account Manager at SRV Media, says, “You should set boundaries and protocol for how you will work together, but not seek control over the processes.” You might not like someone, but they might actually be efficient in their work.

It is important to maintain open communications, even if you don’t like the team member

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Opt For Open Communication

When negative emotions come into a relation, the first to take the hit is communication. So, you have to be careful to maintain open and smooth communication. You might want to document everything, and work through emails. But halting communication is not the right way to work together.

These approaches will help you maintain your performance, even when forced to work with someone you don’t like.