“I Love My Job But I Hate My Boss”

It looks like you are caught in a fix!

Image Credit: Pexels.com

A lot of us have been in this position, no? I know I have! It is difficult to say the least. Because first of all, it is really AMAZING to have a job you love. That’s not something you find easily! But on the other hand, a horrible boss can make office a living hell for you. Do you tolerate and choose the job? Or you just stop taking shit from your boss and lose it? There is no simple answer to it. In fact, it depends from person to person. But sometimes it is even difficult to find an answer. You could feel trapped. This is where this article comes in. Read this and you will at least get closer to something like an answer.

Make Is List!

Writing it down will make you think more deeply!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

I know! I know! This is the most predictable and annoying suggestion but trust me, it works every single time. If nothing else, it gives you a lot of clarity and a whole lot to ponder upon. So, start by asking yourself two questions and make a list of answers below each. One, “why you should continue your job?” and two, “why you shouldn’t?”

The purpose of this activity is to make you take a very good look around and contemplate. Look at your boss, your colleagues, your job, your assignments, your projects, the work culture, the workspace, your desk, EVERYTHING! This will also help you find out exact reasons why you hate your boss. Finding exact reasons could also help soften the blow. Maybe, you could find a way to avoid all such negative interactions or exchanges with your boss that makes you hate them! It is also possible that you find something good about them. I mean, why not? That’s the point of this exercise- to make you think it through. An informed decision is always a better one!

The Bigger Picture

It is important to think about the bigger picture. Sometimes our hatred for someone can really carry us away from something meaningful. Do not let that happen! Do not let your evil boss win this. Keep reminding yourself of reasons why you love this job. From unlimited coffee to friendly clients, recall everything! Your decision is not about one misbehaved person. It is about your entire career, hence the bigger picture.

Before taking any decision, just remember your long term goals. Think of how your decision will affect it. For example, it is possible that you are about to get a promotion in a year or so which would mean a different boss! Then why risk it all? Just remember the “bigger picture”.

Maybe There’s No Other Option

Consider leaving if it’s the only plausible way.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Do not keep the option of leaving off table. Maybe it is for the best to leave. If you see your boss going nowhere and no scope of change in their behaviour, it is better to take the hard decision sooner than later. You can either continue suffering for the sake of your job or just get the hell out of there. It all depends on the intensity of the situation. If even one more day with your boss could seriously affect your mental health, you know it is time to abort! Leave, when you really have to!

I hope you don’t get a boss you have to hate! It would be a shame to not be able to keep a job you love, no?