The Magical Words Needed To Get Ahead In Career

Read about the biggest remedy to workplace conflict. This is the easiest solution in any problem.


Why is it that people find it so difficult to say sorry? May be it is due to the biggest human enemy-Ego. Be that as it may, have you ever wondered what could be the easiest route to resolve any tension with your colleague? Did you throw your peer under the bus in front of your boss by mistake, and now are grappling to correct it? What is your biggest complain with your boss; is it that they never knows when they are wrong?

The cure in most situations is a simple apology.

The best work culture is one that follows a forgiveness regime. Dropping a coin in the cursebox, owning up your mistake, bosses who know when they are wrong and managers with ego under their control are essential for a good working system.

Forgiveness benefits the individual and the organization. He can work with a clear conscience and peace of mind. When a person knows that he has the scope to be forgiven, he can better express himself and try new ideas at work. A strict unforgiving culture is a poison to innovation. Also forgiveness invokes the more humane tendency of personal responsibility.

Organisations have to worry less about turnover and discontent when the bosses keep their ego aside, and apologizes for their mistakes. There is more value based decision making and information circulation in a positive environment.

So, if your present bosses can’t twist their tongue for a simple sorry, observe and learn from their errors. You can make a better colleague and boss if you know the art of forgiveness.

After all, to err is human, to forgive is divine.