Monday Motivation: Kaise Mujhe Tum Milogeyy?!

It isn’t so easy to find the Monday Motivation, is it?

Monday Motivation: Kaise Mujhe Tum Milogeyy?!
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Sunday ends. Monday begins. It’s a cycle. Monday has the face of Thanos smirking and saying “I am inevitable”. Sometimes, I wish I could snap and tell Monday “I am Ironman”. But then, I actually end up ironing my clothes for the Work Day Monday! Is there really no way out of this? No way to find the infamous Monday motivation?

There is, actually. Here are few tricks from our bag!

Sunday – Sleep On Time

Early to bed and early to rise!
Early to bed and early to rise!

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It will be impossible to find the Monday Motivation if you feel sleepy the entire day. Lack of sleep will make you lazy and drowsy, thus incapable of consuming or expressing any kind of motivation. The trick is to get sufficient sleep on the night before Monday. Leave all the partying for Saturday night and use Sunday night for ultimate relaxation. Pamper yourself with professional massages or sauna bath or Jacuzzi or anything that helps you relax. And then, sleep early! This will help wake up early on the Monday morning and more importantly wake up FRESH and ready for battle!

Pick Monday To Do Something You Love!

You love playing squash once a week? Schedule it for Monday morning. You love to go window shopping? Do it on the Monday eve. The point is to choose one interesting activity and schedule it for Monday. This will make you look forward to the day you dread so much. All you negativity for Monday will be annulled by the excitement to do this activity you love.

Strangely, we do the exact opposite! We schedule the beginning of every boring task for Monday. Work out? Monday se yaar! Room cleaning? Monday bro! Bichaara Monday. Monday isn’t inherently evil, we force feed evilness to Monday!!

One Monday At A Time

Just like one cup of coffee at a time!
Just like one cup of coffee at a time!

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Do not go ahead of yourself and start crying for things you have to do in future. Take one Monday at a time and handle it like a pro. In fact, follow the policy of one thing at a time. Mondays are not as messed up as you make yourself believe. Just handle whatever comes your way, one task at a time. Do not overburden yourself. Be a smart manager and Mondays will never run to bit you!

Mil gaya na Monday Motivation? How about “kaise mujhe tum mil gaye” now? 😉