Never Be One Of These Three Kinds Of Horrible Bosses

Bosses are more horrible than not. But every boss is a specific type of horrible.

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If you are a part of the corporate world, the chances are that sooner or later you will be promoted to a position of management. You will at some point become a boss. But the real question here is that what kind of boss do you want to be? The future of many professionals working under you depends on it. Now, time will tell how good or bad a boss you will turn out to be. But don’t even let time turn you into one of these-

The Micromanager

As a boss, you need to learn to delegate and let your employees operate.

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You have probably have had the misfortune of working under this devil. The micromanager devil! Here’s a boss who will be constantly breathing down their employees’ necks. Here’s a boss who doesn’t really trust their employees. Here’s a boss NOBODY likes. Because come on, nobody likes to be micromanaged. Even at home, we hated when our parents did this to us. A boss with such an attitude affects the team morale gravely and consequently affects the performance level as well. A boss is supposed to provide their employees certain level of independence and freedom to operate. Without that, there can never be any growth for the employee or even for the company as a whole. So, DO NOT BE A MICROMANAGER!

The Boss Who Is Always Unavailable

Okay, you could be very, very, VERY busy boss. But can you even call yourself boss if your employees cannot see you at all? Your employees will need you consistently, be it for an approval or for a simple discussion. Your unavailability will directly affect the day to day operations of the company. Be a boss who can manage their time efficiently and make themselves available for their team. And if you are genuinely busy and it is not possible for you to take out any time for your employees, maybe it is time to find a new boss for your employees. You can simply be the boss of that boss. DO NOT be the unavailable boss.

The Boss With An Empty Glass

Remember how we were taught to see a glass half full instead of half empty? Now here’s a boss who doesn’t even see a half empty glass, they will ever always see an entirely empty glass.

Everyone makes mistakes and it is the job of a boss to point them out and make the staff correct those mistakes. But it is also a Boss’ job to appreciate good work being done within the company. But this boss is ONLY about the former. This boss is always on a look out for something negative and making a fuss out of it. They will never appreciate a good performance but react on smallest of mistakes. This is a boss who can instantly motivate any employee to leave their job. DO NOT be this boss.

All the best! Be a great boss!