Seven People From Different Careers Tell Us What Their Parents Think About Their Work

They tell us what was the career advice their fathers shared with them


As new and unconventional career options emerge, many people are taking to different roles and work profiles. While it was considered a given to join engineering or medicine earlier, now people choose their professions more out of passion, than based on their mark sheets.

Seven such people share their experience and tell us how their parents reacted to their chosen path.

A Sufi Singer

Sona Jadhav believes in working with passion, whatever may be the career path

Sona Jadhav’s father has always advised her to put her whole heart and soul in whatever work she does. She says, “His advice has always helped me in life and I feel it is the true key to success. A work done wholeheartedly and with full sincerity will provide the best results indeed.”

A Photographer

Mitali’s father gifted her the first professional camera

Since her degree in Commerce, Mitali Mehta was passionate about photography. Initially, her father did not agree to it, but with some convincing, he came around. She says, “Out of the blue, he gifted me my baby Canon 1200D which was like a blessing to me. He suggested me to move out of the country or shift to Mumbai or Delhi. Though the journey was tough, my family has been my biggest support.”

An Animal Lover

Roshan and his wife quit their jobs for the love of animals

Roshan Poduval and his wife quit their corporate job to pursue their passion for animals. Their PeppyPaws was recognised as the best pet resort in India. But their parents expected them to follow a conventional 9 to 5 job. Roshan says, “In fact, they are still not completely convinced.”


Paroma values how her work has made her very independent

Paroma did not have a regular relationship with her father. But she believes that has also shaped her to be the person she is today. She says, “Earning right after Class XII has brought so much maturity. It gave me an entire sense of independence. I love how I am independent and take care of my mother and my grandmother. I am the WOMAN of the house.”

A Flair Bartender

Her father told her to choose a job she loves

Ami Shroff’s father taught her the lesson on the dignity of labor. He told her that it does not matter what job you do, as long as you love it and perform it to the best of your ability. She says, “Initially they were concerned about my safety and also a little about societal opinions in my life choices. But that turned into support and freedom quite soon, once they saw me comfortable in this space of work. I could have never been successful without them.”

A Musician

Mausam feels that following your passion requires tremendous family support

Mousam Vishwa comes from a family of musicians. But he says that this is not a guarantee that you will have it easy if you follow an unconventional field. He says, “Those who follow the conventional career path can quantify milestones like getting a degree and finding a job, salary increment and so on. When you are on a different career path, each day requires motivation to follow your passion. In such a scenario, family support and love are very important. Just because my family did well, it does not take the pressure off me. I might not do as well as them, or I might do better. Instead of these comparisons, I have been taught to working on improving myself every day. What matters is working on your skill and working hard to follow your passion.”

A Nail Artist


Swateja follows her passion towards nail art

Swateja Adawadkar-Joshi, with a family background in finance, chose a course in Commerce as a logical path. But she was not good with numbers, like her family. She hated the course. And by the end of the course, her family too was convinced of it. She says, “Nail art was a relaxation since the first year of B.Com for me. My parents advise me to do something that makes me happy. The money will automatically flow in. That’s what I have been doing. And it’s working. All of my family members are proud of me for I am the only one who is exploring a different path.”


These seven people have followed their passions for a profession. Some have their family support. And some defy conventional expectations. But they continue to do what makes them happy.