Three Polite Ways To Follow Up After An Interview

How to find out what happened with your last interview?

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Sometimes when we are looking for the right opportunity and we feel that we have nailed the interview, and yet, you don’t hear from the recruiter. You feel like following up as it seemed that you and the organisation were the right fit, but you fear that this might jeopardise your chances if they have still finalised their choice, or make you sound desperate and lose your leverage.

In the series ‘Friends’, Tag Jones gets a plant for her office, when following up on a job at Rachel’s office

Image Credit: TV Series – Friends

Hitesh Kanani, Company Secretary at Bajaj Corporation Ltd, says, “I would drop a mail to the interviewer saying I am at a stage where I have to choose between the job offered, and since they are my preferred choice, I would like an update about the expectant response from them. I would request it in a polite way telling them it would help my choice.”

So, how do you gracefully follow up on an interview?

Ask About It Before You Leave The Interview

if you ask the interviewer what happens next, you know exactly when it is acceptable to follow up. For instance, if they tell you that will follow up in a week, then it is completely fine to send in a reminder for a response after the week. After all, they were the one’s who drew the schedule for the follow up. Without sounding too eager, you can gently send in a note to the recruiters, asking them about the follow up.

Leave A Mark Behind With A Thank You Note

You should be quick in sending a Thank You note after the interview. That gives you a terrific opportunity to follow up with the decision-maker right away. This will also be another way to show that you know what you are doing, and will be right for the position.

Stay Connected Even After The Interview

Connect on LinkedIn in an appropriate way after the interview. You could do it gracefully, within the context of something that was discussed in the interview. If there has been no follow up since the interview, you could use this connection to check in with the recruiters without seeming desperate.

These approaches will help you gracefully follow up on an interview and connect with the recruiter or the organisation when you are in doubt.

Read Also: How To Improve Your Performance In The Next Interview