Three Times When You Should Beware From A Job Opportunity

Signs that a job opportunity may be a trap, and you need to ran away


Often, we enter the interview process with an organisation or recruiter thinking that this is our dream job. We build our own perceptions and assumptions. And like in a relationship, when you love someone you do not see their faults. Something similar can happen with a job. You build up such a great image about the opportunity that you neglect some warning signs.

In ‘Friends’, Rachel changes jobs but realises that the new job is worse and requires the same things that she disliked about her previous job

Image Credit: Movie – Friends

So, here are the signs that you need to beware of a job opportunity.

When They Seem To Avoid Straight Answers

If they won’t tell you what the job pays and expect you to wait for an offer before you know whether or not the salary will work for you, walk away. If you cannot get straight answers to reasonable questions like on working hours, overtime compensation, then you need to realise that something may be dicey. They should also be able to give you real answers about your job description or your reporting authority.

Joyti Solanki, heading Operations at The Villa Escape says that, “For me, the working conditions, timings and then salary are major criteria. If they do not assure clarity on these, then I sense something is wrong.”

When They Seem To Ghost You Between Interviews

If they leave you waiting for weeks with no communication at any point in the interview process, it is a sign that they are not being upfront with you. Also never accept if they want you to work for free for sometime with a lure of a position during the recruiting or orientation process.

When They Do Not Respect Your Skill Or Time

Often companies behave as if they could hire anyone, but they are doing you a favour by choosing you. Such bad faith in the beginning does not hold any potential promise. Also walk away if they don’t respect your time — if they cancel interviews at the last minute or worse, if you show up for an interview and no one is there to talk to you or even apologise.

It might seem risky to turn down such opportunities, but it is better to wait for the right one, then get caught up in the wrong job.

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